Omega Research
Cancer Research Children's Health and Development Diabetes Environmental Concerns Female Health and Reproduction Immune Health Inflammation Lifestyle and Healthy Living Mental/Neurological Health Organ-specific/Physiology Plant-Based GLA (Borage) Benefits Plant-Based Omegas Purity/Safety Considerations Somatosensory System Veterinary Research / Canine & Feline & other Vitamin A Research Vitamin D Research Vitamin E Research
Children's Health and Development
Adolescent and teen health
2018/07/07 - CardiolY – Omega-3s for Premature Ventricular Contractions in Children
2018/05/25 - BBR - Anti-Depressive-Like Effects of Escitalopram plus Omega-3s for Youth
2018/02/23 - NutrJ - Adolescents' Nutritional Status of Fatty Fish Intake and Attention Performance
2017/08/29 - TranslP – Ratio of n-6 to n-3 PUFA, Mood Disorders in Youth with At-Risk Mental States
2017/07/17 - JACP - Psychoeducational Psychotherapy and Omega-3s for Behavioral Problems in Depressed Youth
2017/07/07 - SJPH - Fish Consumption, an Independent Predictor of Pupils' School Achievement
2017/06/06 - Nutrients - Supplementation during Pregnancy: Child Adiposity Outcomes
2017/04/05 - PLoSO - Body Weight Affects Omega 3 PUFA Accumulation in Youth
2017/02/02 - PLoSO – Omega-3 PUFA Intake and Fish Consumption in Children and Adolescents
2017/01/01 - AJCN - Executive Functions and N-6-to-N-3 FA Ratio: A Cross-Sectional Study
2017/01/01 - BBI - Omega-3 PUFAs Critically Regulate Behavior and Gut Microbiota Development
2014/10/08 - EFSA - Scientific Opinion on Substantiation of DHA Related Health Claim
2014/08/13 - EIP - Youth Depression Alleviation with Omega-3 PUFAs
2014/01/01 - BioP - Adolescent Behavior, Dopamine Availability Uniquely Sensitive to Dietary Omega-3 FA Deficiency
2013/07/15 - CJP - LCPUFAs for Youth with Borderline Personality Disorder
2011/06/06 - ActaP – Omega-3 FAs Associated with Depression in Adolescents
2009/06/15 - AJCN – Micronutrients and and Omega-3 FAs On Growth And Cognitive Performance
2009/04/01 - JADA – DHA Supplement Increases Plasma DHA in Children
2009/03/01 - ActaP – Benefits of oily fish and omega-3, increased IQ
2009/02/01 - PLEFA - Omega-3 FAs in Boys with ADHD
2009/01/07 - ClinEv – Depression in Children and Adolescents
2008/02/01 - JACI – Fish Oil During Pregnancy Modulates Allergies In The Fetus
2007/10/02 - PLEFA - Low EPA in diabetic young adults.
2006/11/10 - NAASO – Omega 3s Are Low In Obese Adolescents
2006/10/01 - PLEFA - Lower Omega-3 Levels Observed In Young Adults With Attention Deficits
2005/12/01 - AJCN - Omega-3s may protect obese teens from chronic disease markers
2004/01/01 - EJCN - Fish Omega-3s Associated With Lower Likelihood of Hostility Among Youth
2002/08/01 - JAH – Omega-3 FA and Recurrent Migraines in Adolescents
2001/01/01 - JAH – Omega-3 FA in Adolescents: Knowledge and Consumption