It is our professional opinion that these criteria (read full report) are satisfied for hypovitaminosis D and the risk of several types of cancer, especially with the consideration of ecological studies and of the randomized controlled trial by Lappe et al., well-conducted ecological studies, and internationally respected cohort studies, including the Western Electric Cohort Study, the Johns Hopkins Operation Clue Study.

In addition, the study of vitamin D and cancer is very fast moving, and several papers published since November 2008 have added to the evidence for a beneficial role of vitamin D in reducing the risk of cancer incidence or death. Also, in a review, some of us estimated that if the mean serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of Western Europeans were to be raised from about 25 ng/mL to 40 ng/mL, the economic burden of disease there could be reduced by euro187,000 million/year.

PMID: 20224695

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