2018/10/10 - |
JHND - Mediterranean Diet and Omega-3 Fatty Fish in Ameliorating Asthma |
2018/08/08 - |
PhyRes - Nutritional Intervention, Essential Part of Multiple Sclerosis Treatment |
2018/07/20 - |
Nutrients - PUFA Status in a High Fish-Eating Cohort during Pregnancy |
2018/07/07 - |
Nutrients - Omega-3 FAs and Cardiovascular Disease Risk |
2018/05/17 - |
Circulation - AHA Advisory-Seafood LCPUFA Omega-3 and Cardiovascular Disease |
2018/04/04 - |
Fitoterapia - Marine Omega-3 FAin the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease-B |
2018/02/23 - |
NutrJ - Adolescents' Nutritional Status of Fatty Fish Intake and Attention
2018/01/01 - |
Psychoneuro - Omega-3 and Omega-6 FA Levels in Depressive and Anxiety Disorders |
2017/12/12 - |
CDN - US Physicians Overestimate Personal Omega-3 FA Biomarker Status |
2017/11/11 - |
Fitoterapia - Marine Omega-3 FA in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease-A |
2017/09/24 - |
DiscM - Omega-3 FAs, Vitamins, Probiotics May Benefit in NAFLD |
2017/09/22 - |
NZMJ - Daily Recommended Omega-3s Not Met |
2017/08/08 - |
AMI – EPA and Patients With Type 2 Diabetes |
2017/07/01 - |
FRI - Omega-3 PUFAs and Proanthocyanidins on the Gut Microbiota |
2017/06/15 - |
Circulation - Polyunsaturated Fats Lowers the Incidence of CVD
2017/06/01 - |
BehP - Fish Oil Prevents Enhancement of Sensitivity to Effects of Quinpirole |
2017/05/31 - |
EJN - Optimal Nutrition and the Ever-Changing Dietary Landscape |
2017/05/23 - |
BJN – 10-Week Diet Increased Omega-3 and Reduced Omega-6 FA Consumption |
2017/02/02 - |
PLoSO – Omega-3 PUFA Intake and Fish Consumption in Children and Adolescents |
2017/01/25 - |
PLEFA – Low Omega-3s in Middle-Aged Women Related to Increased CVD Risk |
2017/01/25 - |
PLEFA - Dynamic Interactions of Omega-3 And Omega-6 FA Nutrients |
2017/01/13 - |
JCI - Link Between High Omega-3 Blood Levels And Decreased Risk Of Death |
2017/01/01 - |
ANM – Omega PUFA Intake in European Countries in Light of Recommendations |
2017/01/01 - |
OMCL - Diet and Nutritional Supplements in Parkinson's Disease Progression |
2016/12/12 - |
PLEFA - Delta-6 Desaturase Activity During the First Year of Life |
2016/12/12 - |
PLEFA - Growth and Tolerance of Infants Fed Formula with Algal Source of DHA |
2016/12/12 - |
ANM - Global Estimates of Dietary Intake of DHA and AA Internationally |
2016/11/11 - |
BMCP - Early Childhood Dietary Patterns and Maternal Socioeconomic Status |
2016/09/09 - |
OpenH - Balanced Omega-6:3 Ratio for Prevention-Management of Obesity |
2016/07/19 - |
Gut - Marine Omega-3 PUFA Intake and Survival After Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis |
2016/06/09 - |
FCN - Substitution of Saturated by Unsaturated FAs has Beneficial Effects for Body and Brain |
2016/05/05 - |
PLR – Global Survey of Omega-3 DHA & EPA in Healthy Adults |
2016/03/03 - |
EJN - Nutrient Reference Value: Non-Communicable Disease Endpoints |
2016/02/02 - |
Nutrients - Australians not Meeting Recommended Omega-3 LCPUFA Intakes |
2016/01/27 - |
EJN - LCω3PUFAs Inversely Associated with Incidence of Metabolic Syndrome |
2016/01/01 - |
EAR - Omega-3 Levels and Nicotine Dependence |
2015/12/12 - |
FNS – Creating Benefits from Omega-3 Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals |
2015/11/11 - |
Nutrients - Need to Increase LC Omega-3 Intake Among Americans |
2015/10/01 - |
JAD – FA Profiles, Cognition, Gender in Alzheimer’s Disease |
2015/07/31 - |
Nutrients - Large Dose Omega-3s Once Per Week is More Effective – Rat Study |
2015/07/21 - |
Circulation – RESPONSE to “Circulating n-6 PUFA and Total and Cause-Specific Mortality” |
2015/07/19 - |
AAIC - Brain Fitness Program in Improving Cognitive Function |
2015/05/05 - |
APNM – Omega-3 Recommendations for Pregnant Moms Met with Supplementation |
2015/04/18 - |
PLEFA - Balancing Proportions of Competing Omega-3 and Omega-6 HUFA |
2015/04/04 - |
BJN Omega-3, EPA and DHA, Benefits Exceed Potential Risks |
2015/01/01 - |
JVS - Beyond "Heart-Healthy Diet" for Peripheral Arterial Disease |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Nutritional Armor: Omega-3 for the Warfighter |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Omega-3 FA for Stress Resilience, Wellness, and Military Performance |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Modeling Changes in Omega FAs of U.S. Garrison Foods |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Omega-3 FA and Stress-Induced Immune Dysregulation |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Omega-3 FA: Nutritional Armor and Trends for Warrior Performance |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM – Omega-3s and 6s Compete in Producing Tissue Compositions and Responses |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Omega-3 FA Biochemistry: Perspectives From Human Nutrition |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM – LC Omega-3 FA and Optimization of Cognitive Performance |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - DHA to Mitigate Mild Traumatic Brain Injury |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM- Omega-3 FA In Surgery, Trauma, and Intensive Care |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Neuroprotection by DHA in Brain Injury |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Potential for Military Diets to Reduce Depression, Suicide, and Impulsive Aggression |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - *Diet And Nutrition Are Important For Performance |
2014/11/10 - |
MilM – DHA, Evolution and Hominid Brain Development |
2014/10/10 - |
Circulation - Circulating Omega-6 PUFA And Total and Cause-Specific Mortality |
2014/10/08 - |
EFSA - Scientific Opinion on Substantiation of DHA Related Health Claim |
2014/09/16 - |
Nutrients - Advances in Omega-3: Benefits, Sources, Bioavailability |
2014/07/07 - |
PLR - Historical Perspectives on Impact of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Nutrients on Health |
2014/06/21 - |
LHD - Efficacy of Manufacturers' Omega-3 FA Recommendations for CVD Risk Reduction |
2014/04/15 - |
NutJ – Omega-3 Supplementation Advised for U.S. Adults & Children |
2014/03/11 - |
Diet and Cancer and Heart Disease |
2014/01/22 - |
Neurology – Omega-3 PUFA for Larger Total Normal Brain Volume |
2014/01/16 - |
JAND - Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Dietary Fatty Acids for Healthy Adults |
2013/11/19 - |
JAHA – Omega-3 Index as Biomarker of EPA+DHA Consumption |
2013/11/15 - |
PT – Overview of Omega-3 FA Therapies |
2013/10/01 - |
VasM - Design and Methods of the OMEGA-PAD Trial |
2013/09/17 - |
Nutrients - Nutritional Recommendations for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention |
2013/09/04 - |
Lipids - Children Do Not Consume Recommended Omega-3 LCFA |
2013/08/20 - |
NutJ - Fish Oil Supplement Improves Omega-3 Fatty Acid Status |
2013/06/24 - |
CerC - Omega-3 FA Improve Aging Brain Functions and Structures |
2013/06/15 - |
OMCL - Omega-3 FA Important Part of Asian and Mediterranean Diets |
2013/02/25 - |
BJN – Omega-3s in Mediating Neurogenic Responses |
2013/01/15 - |
ArqN - Omega-3 and Prevention of Sudden Unexpected Death In Epilepsy |
2012/09/09 - |
Nutrients - Consequences of Essential Fatty Acids |
2012/07/07 - |
NutH – Widespread Omega-3 Deficiency |
2012/06/07 - |
BJN – Determining Omega-3 Dose To Achieve Potential Benefits |
2012/06/01 - |
AFNR - Omega-3 PUFAs Multiple Health Benefits - Review |
2012/02/02 - |
AHRQ - Effects of EPA and DHA on Mortality Across Diverse Settings |
2012/01/24 - |
JPEN – Supplements with Data: Vitamin D and Omega-3 Fatty Acids |
2012/01/13 - |
BJCP - Bioequivalence of Two Omega-3 FA Ethyl Ester Formulations |
2012/01/01 - |
PloSO - Unsaturated FA Revert Diet-Induced Hypothalamic Inflammation in Obesity |
2011/12/19 - |
CAR - Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010: Implications For Cardiovascular Disease |
2011/11/15 - |
ERCI - Recent Advances in the Field of Nutritional Immunology |
2011/11/08 - |
JACC – Omega-3 FA and Cardiovascular Disease – Harvard Recommends |
2011/09/30 - |
BPMF - FA as Biocompounds: Role in Human Metabolism, Health and Disease Part 2 |
2011/08/08 - |
WJG – Lifestyle Modification for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease |
2011/08/01 - |
COA – Fish Oil Shown Beneficial in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome |
2011/06/23 - |
NEJM – Updated AHA Omega-3 Recommendations |
2011/05/26 - |
JNN - Action Plan for a Healthy Agriculture, Nutrition, People |
2011/05/13 - |
PLEFA –Consume More Omega-3 PUFA For Optimal Health |
2011/02/09 - |
JAFC – More Dietary Omega-3s for Vegans and Vegetarians |
2011/01/01 - |
PMR – Omega 6s & 3s, Developmentally Dependent and Different Roles |
2010/12/17 - |
EJCN - EFAs for Future Health, Omega-3 Recommendations |
2010/12/01 - |
AJCN – Mediterranean Diet Significantly Associated With Weight Reduction |
2010/09/09 - |
NutM – Editorial: Omega-3 FA/FFN: a New Frontier for Treating Hyperlipidemia |
2010/08/01 - |
CTOCM - Omega-3 Fatty Acids For Cardiovascular Disease Prevention |
2010/06/15 - |
BLL – PUFA: Heart Disease, Cancer, Immune Resistance and Mental Depression |
2010/02/25 - |
CMB – Omega-3 FA vs. Cardiac Disease –Omega-3 Index |
2010/02/02 - |
Atherosclerosis - DHA Protects Low-Density Lipoproteins From Oxidation |
2010/01/01 - |
CRC Press - Pathophysiology and Evolutionary Aspects of Dietary Fats |
2010/01/01 - |
JFHC - Milks For Infants And Toddlers |
2010/01/01 - |
FAO & WHO - Fats and Fatty Acids in Human Nutrition |
2009/09/01 - |
PCD – Eat Fish or Take Fish Oil Supplement? |
2009/08/11 - |
JACC - Omega-3 FAs for Cardiovascular Protection |
2009/08/09 - |
PLEFA – DHA Deficiency as Risk Factor of Affective Disorders |
2009/07/30 - |
Nutrition - Omega-3 FA and Omega-3:6 FA Ratio Predict Improvement In Glucose Disturbances |
2009/05/01 - |
Biofactors - Omega-3 FAs Recommended |
2009/02/17 - |
Circulation – Omega-6 FAs and Risk for Cardiovascular Disease: Science Advisory |
2009/02/02 - |
ANM – Summary Statement: Health Significance of Dietary Fat Quality |
2009/02/02 - |
NutH - Importance of Lifecycle Education for Fertility, Health, and Peace |
2009/02/01 - |
BioM – Use of RBC FA Profiles as Biomarkers in Cardiac Disease |
2009/01/01 - |
TJEM – EPA and DHA Benefit Patients Receiving Enterable Nutrition |
2009/01/01 - |
NutH - Fish Consumption, Omega 3 FA And Cardiovascular Disease |
2009/01/01 - |
WRND - Evolutionary Aspects of the Dietary n-6:n-3 FA Ratio: Medical Implications |
2008/12/01 - |
CAR - Omega-3 FAs Associated with Reduced Risk for Death |
2008/07/09 - |
NRN - Brain foods: The Effects of Nutrients (Omega-3s) on Brain Function |
2008/06/16 - |
AJCN - The Omega-3 Index a Risk Factor for Coronary Heart Disease |
2008/04/24 - |
MinP - The EFAs Omega-6 and Omega-3: from Discovery to Use in Therapy |
2008/02/11 - |
COL – Omega 6:3 Ratios Relevant To Diet And Maintaining Proper Health |
2008/01/30 - |
FAB - Report on the Links Between Diet, Mental Health and Behavior |
2008/01/21 - |
NutJ - Nutritional Therapies: Omega-3 For Mental Disorders |
2008/01/01 - |
JPM – PUFA Recommendations in Pregnancy, Lactation, and Infancy
2007/12/15 - |
AJCN – Fish or Fish-Oil Capsules for Enriching Blood Lipids with n-3 FAs |
2007/09/01 - |
JCM – International Recommendations for Omega-3 FAs |
2007/05/05 - |
CMRO – Differentiating Between Prescription and Dietary Omega-3 FA |
2007/01/01 - |
ArchP - Omega 3: Is there a situation of deficiency in young children?
2006/06/01 - |
AJCN - Omega-3 FA Recommendations and Benefits |
2006/01/01 - |
ART - Fish Oil: What The Doctor and Patient Need To Know |
2005/06/06 - |
RIC - Molecular mechanisms of action and health benefits of PUFA |
2004/07/01 - |
AFP - Omega-3 Fatty Acids Benefit CHD |
2004/06/15 - |
VKAGB - Epidemiology: Past, Present and Future |
2004/05/01 - |
Lipids – Dietary Intake of Essential LCPUFA in Pregnancy |
2003/02/01 - |
ATVB – American Heart Association 2003 Recommendations |
2002/11/19 - |
Circ - AHA Scientific Statement On Fish, Omega-3s And Heart Health
2002/04/08 - |
Circ - Significant Benefits of 1 Gram Omega-3 For Heart Health |
2000/10/31 - |
Circ - AHA Dietary Guidelines: Revision 2000 |
1999/04/09 - |
JACN - Workshop On The Essential Fatty Acids |
1994/08/04 - |
BBA – Linoleic And Linolenic Acids In Young Adult Males |
1992/05/01 - |
FASEB - Biochemistry And Physiology of Omega-3 FAs |
1990/02/01 - |
JLR - The Reversibility Of N-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency |
-0001/11/30 - |
AJCN – Optimal EFAs in Vegetarians |
1969/12/31 - |
MilM - Can Omega-3 FAs Enhance Stress Resilience, Wellness, And Military Performance? |