Omega Research
Cancer Research Children's Health and Development Diabetes Environmental Concerns Female Health and Reproduction Immune Health Inflammation Lifestyle and Healthy Living Mental/Neurological Health Organ-specific/Physiology Plant-Based GLA (Borage) Benefits Plant-Based Omegas Purity/Safety Considerations Somatosensory System Veterinary Research / Canine & Feline & other Vitamin A Research Vitamin D Research Vitamin E Research
Children's Health and Development
Intelligence, Cognition
2018/03/01 - JNutr – Omega-3 FA in Mothers, Preterm Infants, Term Infants and Psychomotor and Visual Development
2017/07/07 - SJPH - Fish Consumption, an Independent Predictor of Pupils' School Achievement
2017/04/04 - JPed - Breastfeeding, PUFA Levels in Colostrum, and Child Intelligence Quotient
2017/03/03 - ClinP - Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Preterm Infants Fed Human Milk
2017/02/02 - PsychoP – Hyperactivity and Inattention in Children with Symptoms of ADHD
2017/01/01 - BBI - Omega-3 PUFAs Critically Regulate Behavior and Gut Microbiota Development
2016/09/09 - EJP –Supplemented DHA in Premature Children, a Significant Predictor of Higher IQ
2016/08/22 - JCPP - Omega 3/6 Fatty Acids for Reading in Children
2016/05/05 - NutR - Arachidonic Acid Needed in Infant Formula when DHA is Present
2016/04/06 - FASEB - Pregnancy and Youth Omega-3 on Neurodevelopment and Cognition
2015/01/01 - JPeri - Bridging DHA Gap of Prematurity
2014/12/12 - AJCN – Benefits of DHA for Cognitive Development During Infancy
2014/08/08 - PLEFA – Human Milk LA Levels Affect Brain Development and Function
2014/07/12 - PLEFA - LCPUFA Levels as Implicators of Neurodevelopmental Growth and Development
2014/05/28 - PLEFA – Omega-3 FA Improved Working Memory Function
2014/04/04 - FASEB - Maternal DHA Impacts Pregnancy and Subsequent Child Development
2013/09/15 - AJCN – Omega 6:3 Ratio and Higher-Order Cognitive Functions
2013/08/15 - AJCN – Infant LCPUFA on Cognitive Function in Later Childhood
2013/06/26 - AJCN – Long-term Effects of LCPUFA on Childhood Cognition
2013/06/25 - MCN - Maternal Milk DHA Content Predicts Cognitive Performance
2013/06/24 - PLoSO – Low Omega-3 FA Associated with Poor Cognitive Performance and Behavior
2013/04/15 - PharmaR – Review: DHA in Pregnancy and Childhood
2013/01/01 - PPS - Supplementing Infants with LCPUFAs Helps Make Children Smarter
2012/05/05 - RDD – Omega-3 Supplementation in Mainstream School Population
2012/02/21 - BJN - Fish Oil Supplementation During Early Infancy On Neurodevelopment And Language
2011/11/17 - PedR – LCPUFA Reduces Heart Rate And Positively Affects Attention
2011/11/11 - Pediatrics – LCPUFAs Key Factor In Cognitive Benefits Of Breast Milk
2011/06/01 - JN – Prenatal DHA Related to Better Neurological Outcome at 5 Years
2011/05/09 - AJCN – In Utero Omega-3 Provides Neurophysiologic And Neurobehavioral Benefits In School-Age Children
2011/03/29 - BJN - Growth In Pre-Term Infants Supplemented With DHA
2011/03/01 - EHD - DHA In First Year Of Life Enhanced Cognitive Development
2011/02/01 - JECH – Children’s Healthy Diets May Have Higher IQ Levels
2010/12/01 - JP - Maternal DHA On Neuropsychological Status And Visual Acuity Of Infants
2010/07/01 - RMCSMNI – Exponential Cognitive Performance with Omega-3 FA
2010/01/01 - AcP – Fish Consumption and Adolescent School Grades
2009/11/04 - JBC – DHA Modulates Hippocampal Development
2009/10/01 - PHN – Maternal Fish Intake and Child Neurodevelopment
2009/09/01 - CD - LCPUFA Supplementation Improves Means-End Problem Solving
2009/08/01 - PLEFA – DHA and Lactation
2009/06/15 - AJCN – Micronutrients and and Omega-3 FAs On Growth And Cognitive Performance
2009/05/01 - AJCN – Omegas for Early Child Growth and Development
2009/04/04 - NutN – Cognitive and Mood Effects of DHA in Children 10-12 Years
2009/03/01 - JN - Children Don't Get Enough Omega-3
2009/02/01 - PLEFA – Improvement in Cognitive Function After Omega-3 Meal
2009/01/14 - JAMA – DHA Dose in Early Life Improved the MDI Scores of Girls
2009/01/01 - DNpsy - Maternal DHA Levels and Toddler Cognitive Development
2008/11/12 - JPGN – LCPUFA and Infant Development in First Year of Life
2008/10/10 - CN - LC-PUFA Impact Pregnancy Outcome and Fetal Development
2008/06/01 - Peds – DHA & AA supplementation associated with better cognitive functioning in breastfed preemies.
2008/05/01 - CP - DHA On Children's Listening Comprehension And Vocabulary
2008/01/01 - JPM – PUFA Recommendations in Pregnancy, Lactation, and Infancy
2007/06/01 - AJCN - Maternal Consumption of DHA Benefits Infant Performance
2007/05/01 - EHD – PUFA And Visual Acuity And Cognitive Outcomes
2007/04/19 - PLEFA – LCPUFA on Visual and Cognitive Development through Childhood
2006/06/01 - AJCN – Omega-3 FAs and Cognitive/Visual Development
2005/10/01 - EHP - Maternal Fish Consumption And Infant Cognition
2005/08/01 - JN – Omegas Associated with Psychosocial and Cognitive Functioning
2005/08/01 - AJCN – DHA Positively Associated with Cognitive/Behavioral Performance
2005/07/01 - AJCN – Maternal DHA on Visual Function and Neurodevelopment in Breastfed Term Infants
2005/03/01 - IndJPed - Essential fatty acids, DHA and human brain
2005/03/01 - COCNMC - Omega-3 Fatty Acids And Pregnancy Outcomes
2005/01/01 - CRFSN – PUFA Supplemented Infant Formula for Preterm and Term Infants: Review
2004/07/01 - CD - DHA And Cognitive Development In Infancy
2004/04/07 - JPed – Fish and Borage Oils for Neural Development in Preterm Infants
2004/04/01 - PLEFA – PUFA in Treatment in ADHA and Common Developmental Disorders
2003/10/15 - JPed – Review: Perinatal Biochemistry and Physiology of LCPUFA
2003/09/01 - Pediatrics – DHA and Visual, Cognitive, And Language Assessments
2003/09/01 - JN – Lipid Requirements and Recommendations for Infants
2003/01/01 - Peds - Cod Liver Oil Improves Mental Processing In Children
2000/09/15 - DevN – Review: Role of Dietary N-6 and N-3 FA in Developing Brain
2000/07/01 - PLEFA - FA Deficiencies Predict Severity Of Reading And Related Difficulties In Dyslexic Children
2000/03/11 - DMCN – LCPUFA and Mental Development in Term Infants
2000/01/01 - AJCN - Dark Adaptation, Motor Skills, Docosahexaenoic Acid, And Dyslexia
1998/08/01 - Lancet – Effects of LCFAs on Problem Solving at 10 Months of Age
1995/04/03 - UL - Importance of EFAs For Visual Function And Development In Newborn Infants