Omega Research
Cancer Research Children's Health and Development Diabetes Environmental Concerns Female Health and Reproduction Immune Health Inflammation Lifestyle and Healthy Living Mental/Neurological Health Organ-specific/Physiology Plant-Based GLA (Borage) Benefits Plant-Based Omegas Purity/Safety Considerations Somatosensory System Veterinary Research / Canine & Feline & other Vitamin A Research Vitamin D Research Vitamin E Research
2018/08/08 - RevN - The Roles of Special Proresolving Mediators in Pain Relief
2018/02/15 - JAR – Role of AA and Bioactive Lipids in Ageing
2018/02/02 - MedI - Specialized Proresolving Lipid Mediators’ Role in Inflammatory-Related Diseases
2018/01/31 - PharmR - Anti-Inflammatory Omega-3 FA in The Brain: Physiological Mechanisms
2017/12/12 - BJN - Effects of Prenatal Omega-3 FAs on Offspring Resolvins at Birth
2017/11/11 - ARR – Health via Low Grade Inflammation in Ageing and Nutrition
2017/10/10 - BST - Omega-3 FA and Inflammatory Processes- From Molecules To Man
2017/08/08 - FronE - Ratio of Bioactive Lipids in the Pathobiology of Diabetes Mellitus
2017/06/24 - JCL - Omega-3 Index and Specialized Pro-Resolving Lipid Mediators in PAD Patients
2017/06/14 - OMCL - Omega-3 PUFAs in Critical Illness
2017/04/04 - FASEBJ - Treating Inflammation and Infection in The 21st Century
2017/03/03 - COCNM - Resolving Inflammation by Using SPM Nutrition Therapy
2017/02/02 - Atherosclerosis - Inflammatory Gene Expression after EPA vs. DHA
2017/02/02 - JCII - Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators Can Reduce IgE Production In Asthma Patients
2017/01/04 - FASEB - Improved Cognition in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Omega-3s
2016/09/09 - FrontP - Pathway Markers for Pro-resolving Lipid Mediators in Umbilical Cord Blood
2016/09/09 - PLEFA - Omega-3 FA Lipid Emulsion on Fatty Acid Profiles in Critically Ill Septic Patients
2016/08/15 - EJP - Omega-3 PUFAs in Animal Models with Neuroinflammation
2016/08/08 - EJP – EPA and DHA Resolvins as Therapeutics For Arthritis
2016/08/08 - EJP – DHA, EPA-Derived Resolvins, Protectins, Maresins in Airway Inflammation
2016/08/08 - STM –Specific Actions of SPMs on Adaptive Immunity
2016/05/05 - PainM - The Role of Diet in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia
2016/04/04 - ClinN – Omega 3 FA on Resolvins in Chronic Kidney Disease
2016/04/04 - PLEFA - Specialised Pro-Resolving Mediators of Inflammation in Arthritis
2016/02/02 - COL – Omega 3 FA and Proresolving Mediators Of Inflammation
2015/09/09 - JAD - Specialized Pro-Resolving Mediators from Omega-3s Regulate Inflammation
2015/09/09 - NM - Novel Resolvins that Increase with Atorvastatin and Clear Infections
2015/08/25 - JAHA – Fish Oil Improved Triglycerides and Increased Omega-3 Mediators in PAD Patients
2014/10/10 - CPR - Biomarkers for Personalizing Omega-3 Fatty Acid Dosing
2014/02/15 - Endocrine - n-3 PUFA Improved Body Measurements and Lowered Triglycerides
2013/10/10 - NutrR - High n-3/n-6 Improves Obesity-Linked Inflammation & Insulin Resistance
2013/10/03 - AJPGLP - Fish Oil-Based Lipid Emulsions Modify Inflammatory Homeostasis
2013/07/08 - FASEB - DHA Tames Inflammation via Maresins
2013/02/21 - DHA and Aspirin as Potent Immunoresolvents
2012/04/06 - FASEB – DHA Produced Maresin Stimulates Tissue Regeneration and Controls Pain
2012/04/05 - JNM – Increase Omega-3 Intake to Reduce Incidence of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
2012/03/22 - JNut - Mechanisms of Action of (N-3) Fatty Acids
2012/02/28 - PNS - Long-Chain Fatty Acids And Inflammation
2011/10/15 - CPL – Omega-3 FA Affect Anti-Microbial Resistance and Immune Cell Organization
2011/09/23 - EJP - FA and Inflammation: Cutting Edge Between Food and Pharma
2011/04/29 - ANM – Omega-3 FA, Polyphenols and L-Carnitine Increase Gene Expression
2011/04/04 - JNN - Nutrigenetic Disruption of Inflammation-Resolution Homeostasis and Atherogenesis
2011/03/21 - BJP - Omega-3 Resolvins For Treating Inflammatory Arthritis Pain
2011/02/01 - JNB - Fish Oil Effects Improve Body Fat Storage And Secretory Functions
2011/02/01 - JCI – Omega-3 Derived Resolvins Actively Clear Inflammation
2011/01/01 - CTMC - Omega-3 FA Synthesize Anti-Inflammatory, Pro-Resolving Mediators
2010/11/01 - LHD - PUFAs For Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease Conditions
2010/06/01 - MolN - Omega-3 EFA Modulate Neurodegenerative Disease
2010/03/06 - Nutrients – Omega-3 FA and Inflammatory Processes
2010/01/31 - PLEFA – DHA Mediator Benefits Immune and Visual Systems
2009/12/01 - JC - A Novel Protective Role of EPA and PPARγ Against Inflammation
2009/10/01 - Nature – DHA Mediator Stimulates Resolution And Preserves Immune Vigilance
2009/10/01 - IOVS – PUFAs Generate Lipid Mediators of Inflammation
2009/09/15 - PLEFA – DHA and EPA: Emerging Mediators of Inflammation
2009/08/01 - AJCN - Fish-Oil Induces Anti-inflammatory Gene Expression
2009/02/01 - JHUST - Fish Oil for Patients with Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
2009/01/16 - JEM - Beneficial Actions Of DHA In Tissue Homeostasis, Inflammation Resolution, Etc
2008/09/01 - PLEFA - Novel Anti-Inflammatory And Pro-Resolving Mediators
2008/08/01 - JP – Omega-3 FAs Controlling the Resolution of Acute Inflammation
2008/03/15 - BJP – Omega-3 Endogenous Pro-Resolving and Anti-Inflammatory Lipid Mediators
2008/03/01 - OMI – Omega-3s Fight Gingivitis In Rats
2008/01/21 - RPN - n-3 helpful in alleviating oxidative stress
2008/01/21 - DOM - Inflammation in obese patients influences impact of omega-3s
2008/01/01 - ARP - Anti-Inflammatory And Pro-resolving Lipid Mediators
2007/11/27 - JI – Derivative of EPA regenerates lost tissue
2007/07/25 - JPEN - postoperative administration of n-3 could have an impact on the inflammatory response after abdominal surgery.
2007/05/20 - Pain - Omega-3s Treat Inflammatory Joint Pain
2007/01/15 - ARI - Novel Anti-Inflammatory and Proresolving Lipid Mediators
2006/07/07 - CMN - Brain Injury and Neurodegeneration Triggers DHA Neuroprotective Signaling
2006/02/01 - FASEB – Omega-3 Resolvins protect gums and bone destruction
2006/01/01 - MMB - Biosynthesis and bioactions of EPA- and DHA-derived resolvins
2005/04/01 - Polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammation
2005/03/07 - JEM - First evidence for EPA-derived potent endogenous agonists of antiinflammation
2005/03/07 - JEM – EPA-produced resolvins counter inflammation.
2005/03/01 - KidInt – Omega-3 PPAR-Gamma Activation Demonstrates Benefits of Fish Oil
2004/04/01 - POLM - Overview of Newly Identified Resolvins and Neuroprotectins
2003/04/01 - Lipids – Omega-3 PUFAs and Inflammation
2003/04/01 - BJMBR – LCFAs and inflammation: application in surgical and trauma patients
2003/03/01 - PLEFA – Could Omega-3 PUFA Reduce Pain?
2001/07/15 - Lipids - Lipids Altered Following Burn Injury
1997/08/06 - PLEFA – Borage and Fish Oils on Membrane Changes
1995/01/01 - IJVNR – Omega-3 PUFAs in enteral nutrition