2018/08/23 - |
JPsych – Omega-3 FAs on Cigarette Craving and Oxidative Stress |
2017/12/12 - |
EIP - Omega-3 and Omega-6 PUFA Consumption and Development of Psychotic Symptoms |
2017/09/20 - |
EHD - Omega-3-6 FA and Processings In Preterm Toddlers with ASD Symptoms |
2017/08/14 - |
WJG - Influence of Gut Microbiota on Neuropsychiatric Disorders |
2017/08/08 - |
JAD – PUFA and Risk of Psychiatric Disorder after Acute Coronary Syndrome |
2017/06/06 - |
AMBM - Omega-3 PUFA in Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder |
2017/06/06 - |
Laeknabladid - Dietary Intake of Young Icelanders with Psychotic Disorders |
2017/04/05 - |
PLoSO - Body Weight Affects Omega 3 PUFA Accumulation in Youth |
2017/03/03 - |
EJN - DHA Benefits to Coeliac Patients Vulnerable to Psychological Distress
2017/02/02 - |
GGI – DHA on Cognitive Function and Mental Health in Elderly Population |
2017/01/01 - |
JCMR - Effects of Omega-3 PUFA on Dementia |
2017/01/01 - |
JCL - Red Blood Cell PUFA and mortality in Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
2016/12/12 - |
IJN - Omega-3 PUFA through the Lifespan – Implication for Psychopathology |
2016/12/12 - |
NRR – Review - DHA and Health: Cognitive Function Ageing |
2016/11/01 - |
JAD - Increased Erythrocyte EPA Associated with Low Severity of PTSD Symptoms |
2016/10/10 - |
JCP - Omega-3 and Omega-6 PUFA in Bipolar Disorder |
2016/08/08 - |
BMCP – Omega-3 and White Matter Integrity in Those at Risk for Psychosis |
2016/07/07 - |
PLEFA - People with Schizophrenia and Depression Have a Low Omega-3 Index |
2016/05/30 - |
JAD – Omega-3 PUFA, Psychophysiological Symptoms of PTSD |
2016/05/05 - |
EBM - DHA Reverses Genomic and Network Perturbations Elicited by Fructose |
2016/05/05 - |
BipD - Meta-Analysis of Erythrocyte PUFA Biostatus in Bipolar Disorder |
2016/03/03 - |
PLoSO – Fatty Acid Abnormalities May Contribute to Neurobiology of Psychopathology |
2016/02/02 - |
StemC - Maternal Dietary Imbalance of N-6 and N-3 PUFA Impairs Neocortical Development |
2016/01/15 - |
MolP – Omega-3 FA, Inflammation, and Major Depressive Disorder |
2016/01/01 - |
EAR - Omega-3 Levels and Nicotine Dependence |
2015/11/11 - |
BipolarD – Bipolar Benefits with Increase n-3 and Decrease n-6 Dietary PUFA |
2015/11/11 - |
ACP - A Meta-Analysis of Omega-3 FA Augmentation in Schizophrenia |
2015/08/31 - |
CPN – Omega 3 PUFA in Prevention of Mood and Anxiety Disorders |
2015/08/11 - |
NatCom - Reduced Risks of Progression to Psychotic Disorder and Psychiatric Morbidity |
2015/04/04 - |
Pain – Omega 3 and 6 FA Alterations Reduce Distress for Those with Chronic Headache |
2015/03/03 - |
LancetP - Nutritional Medicine as Mainstream in Psychiatry |
2015/02/24 - |
FASEB – Vitamin D and Omega-3 FAs Control Serotonin Synthesis |
2015/02/02 - |
SchR - Dysfunctional Plasmalogen Dynamics in Plasma and Platelets of Schizophrenia Patients |
2015/01/13 - |
TransPsy –Omega-3 FA Benefits in Young People at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Potential for Military Diets to Reduce Depression, Suicide, and Impulsive Aggression |
2014/09/18 - |
GJHS – Omega-3s for Decreasing Symptoms of Schizophrenia |
2014/08/08 - |
EIP – PUFA in Emerging Psychosis: Safer Alternative |
2014/07/12 - |
CAPCNA - Omega-3 FA and Nutrient Deficits in Adverse Neurodevelopment and Childhood Behaviors |
2013/08/08 - |
SchizoRes - Omega-3 FAs for Prevention of Psychosis |
2013/07/22 - |
JCP – Comorbid Anxiety Associated with Lowest EPA-DHA Levels |
2013/07/15 - |
CJP - LCPUFAs for Youth with Borderline Personality Disorder |
2013/07/12 - |
PLoSO - Dietary Interventions To Reduce Anxiety Symptoms During Pregnancy |
2013/06/15 - |
PLEFA – Omega-3 FA Related to Emotional Processing in ADHD |
2013/03/15 - |
PCNA – Omega-3 FA in Psychiatry |
2013/03/06 - |
PLoSO - Omega-3 Deficient Western Diet at Risk for Neurological Disorders |
2013/01/22 - |
NutH - Adolescence: Does Good Nutrition = Good Behaviour? |
2013/01/15 - |
PharmN - Role of Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Psychiatric Practice |
2012/11/30 - |
JPR – Low DHA in Bipolar Patients |
2012/11/11 - |
SchR - A Meta-Analysis of PUFA of Erythrocyte Membranes in Schizophrenia |
2012/09/09 - |
JCP - A Meta-Analytic Review of PUFA Compositions in Dementia |
2012/06/28 - |
NutN - Omega-3 FAs And Neurocognitive Performance In US Servicemembers |
2012/04/12 - |
JCP - EPA Interventions in Schizophrenia |
2012/03/08 - |
GN – Partial Rescue of Rett Syndrome by Omega-3 PUFAS |
2012/01/01 - |
CSRP – Omega-3 FA, Adjunct treatments for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder |
2012/01/01 - |
JCP - Omega-3 for Bipolar Disorder |
2011/12/29 - |
GJHS - Omega-3 Fatty Acids for PTSD Prevention |
2011/10/17 - |
BioR – Fish Oil, Bilberry, and Lutein Improve Eye and Mental Fatigue |
2011/08/23 - |
JCP - Suicide of Active-Duty US Military and Omega-3 FAs |
2011/08/15 - |
CDDT – Omega-3 in Psychiatric Disorders: Review |
2011/08/15 - |
CDDT – Omega-3 LCFA for Treatment and Prevention of Mood Disorders |
2011/08/08 - |
PsyR - Higher Omega-3 FA with Fenfluramine-Induced ACTH and Cortisol Responses |
2011/08/06 - |
BipD - Omega-3 for Bipolar Depression |
2011/07/19 - |
BBI – Omega-3s Lower Inflammation and Anxiety |
2011/03/01 - |
PLEFA - EPA Shows Procognitive Effects in Schizophrenia |
2011/03/01 - |
NatN – Omega-3 Deficiency Induces Synaptic Alterations Causing Behavioral Alterations |
2011/02/01 - |
BioM – Omega-3 FA, a Preventive Strategy for PTSD |
2011/01/01 - |
JADA - Food Frequency Questionnaires Provide Valuable Information Concerning PUFA. |
2010/12/01 - |
CNSD – Omega-3 FAs, a Safer Intervention for Early-Onset Bipolar Disorder |
2010/11/24 - |
JNB – Fish Oil Promotes Survival and Protects Against Cognitive Decline |
2010/05/26 - |
BMCP – PUFA and Vitamin D to Lower Rate of Psychotic-Like Symptoms |
2010/04/01 - |
JN - DHA Deficiency Increases Vulnerability to Neuronal Atrophy |
2010/03/01 - |
ATHM – Role of Nutrition In Mental Health |
2010/03/01 - |
BipoDis – Fish Oil in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder |
2010/02/02 - |
AGP – PUFA for Indicated Prevention of Psychotic Disorders |
2010/02/02 - |
Nutrients - Omega-3 FA in Psychopathology Across the Lifespan |
2009/12/12 - |
MBD - EPA in Schizophrenia Yields Significant Improvement in Symptoms |
2009/12/01 - |
UJMS – Fresh Fish Oils Best and Increase Brain Phospholipid |
2009/12/01 - |
PHN - Omega-3 FA and Psychological Distress |
2009/12/01 - |
ANT - EFAs and Human Brain |
2009/11/01 - |
PLEFA – Omega-3 FAs and Anxiety Disorders |
2009/07/18 - |
PLEFA - Neuropsychiatric Nutritional Requirements For Intakes Of Omega-3 HUFAs |
2009/07/01 - |
AJCN - Omega-3 FAS and Risk of Dementia |
2009/03/01 - |
AJCN – DHA in Maternal and Child Mental Health |
2009/02/03 - |
Nutrition – Omega-3 FAs Inversely Associated With Depressive Symptoms |
2009/01/01 - |
AJA - Low DHA Associated With Increased Relapse Vulnerability In Substance Abusers. |
2009/01/01 - |
PLEFA – Benefits of Omega-3 Gene And Protein Expression |
2009/01/01 - |
WRND - Depression, Suicide And Omega-3 EFA Deficiencies In Modern Diets |
2009/01/01 - |
JCP – Omega-3 FAs in Major Depressive Disorder |
2009/01/01 - |
Neurosignals - How Does Fish Oil Act As A 'Mind-Body Interface'? |
2008/12/15 - |
PsyR - Safety of EPA in Psychiatric Patients |
2008/12/01 - |
IJVNR - Neuronal Protection By Bioactive Nutrients |
2008/09/15 - |
EurN – DHA for Major Depressive Disorder |
2008/02/15 - |
PNBP - Omega-3 FAs Benefit Substance Abusers Reducing Anger And Anxiety Levels. |
2008/01/30 - |
FAB - Report on the Links Between Diet, Mental Health and Behavior |
2008/01/21 - |
NutJ - Nutritional Therapies: Omega-3 For Mental Disorders |
2008/01/15 - |
ARR - Exercise And Diet Sustain Synaptic Plasticity and Mental Health |
2008/01/01 - |
IJPRS - Omega-3 PUFAs In The Treatment Of Schizophrenia |
2007/12/01 - |
JCP - Ethyl-Eicosapentaenoic Acid In First-Episode Psychosis |
2007/11/13 - |
Neurology – Omega-3 FA Help to Lower the Risk of Dementia and Alzheimers
2007/11/01 - |
BipoDis – PUFAs Associated With Severity In Acute Mania |
2007/10/03 - |
NEL - Ω-3 depletion may contribute to behaviors associated with pedophilia. |
2007/09/01 - |
EJN – Omega-3 FAs, Fish Consumption and Mental Disorders |
2007/09/01 - |
LHD – Omega-3 FA as Treatments for Mental Illness |
2007/05/01 - |
EurN – Omega-3 FAs for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder |
2007/02/01 - |
BJP - Omega-3 FA In Patients With Recurrent Self-Harm |
2007/01/30 - |
PNBP - Omega-3 FAs And Antioxidants In Neurological And Psychiatric Diseases |
2007/01/01 - |
Neruopshy – Early Detection Of Psychotic Disorders |
2006/12/01 - |
JCP - Omega-3 FAs Decrease Anxiety
2006/12/01 - |
JCPsy - Summary Of Evidence For Use And Treatment Of EPA And DHA For Mental Health |
2006/10/01 - |
PLEFA – Omega-3 FAs in Prevention of Psychopathology |
2006/04/01 - |
IRP - Bioactive lipids in schizophrenia |
2006/04/01 - |
IRP – Omega-3 FA Deficiencies in Neurodevelopment, Aggression, & Autonomic Dysregualtion |
2006/01/15 - |
BJP - Efficacy of Ethyl-Eicosapentaenoic Acid in Bipolar Depression |
2005/12/01 - |
NEL – PUFA and Autism |
2005/07/01 - |
Curr Op - Role for omega-3s in anorexia |
2005/06/01 - |
JMF - Omega-3 FA In Autoimmune Diseases, Mental Health, And Gene Expression |
2005/02/09 - |
NutJ - Omega-3 FAs Decreased Irritability Of Patients With Bipolar Disorder |
2005/02/01 - |
MedS - Omega-3 FA In Psychiatry |
2005/01/01 - |
APLM - Fish oil supplements healthful & helpful: bipolar disorder; depression |
2005/01/01 - |
JNHA - Omega-3 FAs and Psychiatry |
2005/01/01 - |
RND - Omega-3 FAS and Neuropsychiatric Disorders |
2005/01/01 - |
Drugs – Omega-3 FA In Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders |
2004/10/01 - |
AJPsy - Omega-3s Improve Membrane Fluidity In Bi-Polar Disorder |
2004/04/01 - |
PLEFA - Nutrition and Schizophrenia |
2003/12/01 - |
PsyR - Levels of EPA and DHA found to be lower in patients with bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia |
2003/12/01 - |
AJPsy - Cross-National Comparisons Of Seafood Consumption And Rates Of Bipolar Disorders |
2003/10/10 - |
DAD - PUFA Status and Aggression in Cocaine Addicts |
2003/08/30 - |
PsyR - PUFA Status and Relapse Vulnerability in Cocaine Addicts |
2003/01/01 - |
Encephale – Lipids, Depression and Suicide |
2002/06/01 - |
PHN - Fish Consumption And Physical And Mental Health Status |
2001/04/30 - |
SchR - Study shows that omega-3 helps individuals with schizophrenia |
2000/07/01 - |
PLEFA – FA Metabolism In Neurodevelopmental Disorder |
1999/12/25 - |
Alt Ther - Mental health expert discusses omega-3 and mental health |
1999/05/01 - |
ArchGPsy - Omega-3 supplements help those with bi-polar, study reports |
1999/05/01 - |
PLEFA - Omega-3 FAS and Bipolar Disorder |
1999/05/01 - |
AGP – Omega-3 FA in Bipolar Disorder |
1998/04/18 - |
Lancet - Fish Consumption And Major Depression |
1997/07/01 - |
PsyS - Lipids In Mood, Aggression, And Schizophrenia |
1996/03/01 - |
Lipids - Improvement In Schizophrenic Symptoms |