2018/08/08 - |
PhyRes - Nutritional Intervention, Essential Part of Multiple Sclerosis Treatment |
2018/04/04 - |
Fitoterapia - Marine Omega-3 FAin the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease-B |
2018/03/03 - |
JCL - Omega-3 FA Inversely Associated with Mortality and Incident CVD |
2017/12/12 - |
CDN - US Physicians Overestimate Personal Omega-3 FA Biomarker Status |
2017/09/24 - |
DiscM - Omega-3 FAs, Vitamins, Probiotics May Benefit in NAFLD |
2017/09/22 - |
NZMJ - Daily Recommended Omega-3s Not Met |
2017/08/08 - |
IJSNEM - Fish Oil Increases Omega-3 Index, Modulates Oxygen Consumption-Fatigue |
2017/07/21 - |
JBC – DHA Preserves Visual Function |
2017/06/24 - |
JCL - Omega-3 Index and Specialized Pro-Resolving Lipid Mediators in PAD Patients |
2017/06/19 - |
JNeuro – Omega-3 PUFA imbalances and Mental Health Disorders |
2017/06/01 - |
JFF - Emerging Global Phenomenon of Sarcopenic Obesity and Omega-3 Benefits |
2017/06/01 - |
BehP - Fish Oil Prevents Enhancement of Sensitivity to Effects of Quinpirole |
2017/06/01 - |
JLipids – Omega-3 FA Content in Elite Athletes |
2017/05/31 - |
EJN - Optimal Nutrition and the Ever-Changing Dietary Landscape |
2017/05/23 - |
BJN – 10-Week Diet Increased Omega-3 and Reduced Omega-6 FA Consumption |
2017/05/22 - |
JHep - Treatment of NAFLD with Diet, Physical Activity and Exercise |
2017/05/05 - |
PNS - LCPUFA for Coronary Heart Disease Prevention for Non-Fish-Eaters |
2017/05/05 - |
Atherosclerosis - Omega-3 Index and Relative Risk for CHD Mortality |
2017/05/05 - |
PLEFA – DHA increases the Omega-3 Index more than EPA |
2017/04/14 - |
BMCC - Omega-3 FA in Undergoing Surgery for Gastrointestinal Malignancy |
2017/04/07 - |
JCL - RBC Omega 3 Levels Associated With Reduced Risk For All-Cause Mortality |
2017/04/04 - |
JSR - Change in Omega-3 Index with Fish Oil in Peripheral Artery Disease |
2017/02/02 - |
IJC – Benefits of EPA Plus Statin after Acute Coronary Syndrome |
2017/02/02 - |
Nutrients – US Omega-3 FA Deficiency of Pregnant and Women of Childbearing Age |
2017/01/13 - |
JCI - Link Between High Omega-3 Blood Levels And Decreased Risk Of Death |
2017/01/01 - |
BCRT - Fatigue Reduction Diet in Breast Cancer Survivors |
2017/01/01 - |
JCL - Red Blood Cell PUFA and mortality in Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
2017/01/01 - |
PLEFA – AA Plus DHA for Brain Growth and Function |
2016/12/12 - |
PLEFA - Delta-6 Desaturase Activity During the First Year of Life |
2016/12/12 - |
PLEFA - Growth and Tolerance of Infants Fed Formula with Algal Source of DHA |
2016/12/12 - |
PLEFA – EPA Levels in Patients with Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases |
2016/12/12 - |
ANM - Global Estimates of Dietary Intake of DHA and AA Internationally |
2016/11/11 - |
BMCP - Early Childhood Dietary Patterns and Maternal Socioeconomic Status |
2016/10/10 - |
IJMR - Fats & FA in Indian diets: Omega 6-3 Ratio |
2016/08/08 - |
PLEFA – DHA and the Return On Investment for Pregnancy Outcomes |
2016/07/19 - |
Gut - Marine Omega-3 PUFA Intake and Survival After Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis |
2016/07/07 - |
PLEFA - People with Schizophrenia and Depression Have a Low Omega-3 Index |
2016/06/09 - |
FCN - Substitution of Saturated by Unsaturated FAs has Beneficial Effects for Body and Brain |
2016/05/05 - |
PLR – Global Survey of Omega-3 DHA & EPA in Healthy Adults |
2016/05/05 - |
NutR - Arachidonic Acid Needed in Infant Formula when DHA is Present |
2016/04/05 - |
LHD - Maternal Omega-3 PUFAs Deficiency and its Role in Neonatal CNS |
2016/04/04 - |
JNutr - Omega-3 Index is Inversely Associated with Depressive Symptoms |
2016/03/21 - |
BJN - Whole-Blood PUFA in Severe Acute Malnutrition |
2016/03/03 - |
EJN – Omega-6 FA, Weight Gain, and Risk of Becoming Overweight or Obese |
2016/03/03 - |
EJN - Nutrient Reference Value: Non-Communicable Disease Endpoints |
2016/03/03 - |
JLR - Associations of Human Retinal VLC-PUFA with Dietary Lipid Biomarkers |
2016/02/02 - |
Nutrients - Australians not Meeting Recommended Omega-3 LCPUFA Intakes |
2016/01/06 - |
JNB – Improve O-3 Index and Reduce Risk of CVD |
2016/01/02 - |
Nutrients - Omega-3 Index and Cognition in Adolescents |
2015/11/11 - |
Nutrients - Need to Increase LC Omega-3 Intake Among Americans |
2015/06/06 - |
PLEFA – Omega-3 LCPUFA Benefit Meibomain Gland and Dry Eye |
2015/05/05 - |
APNM – Omega-3 Recommendations for Pregnant Moms Met with Supplementation |
2015/04/18 - |
PLEFA - Balancing Proportions of Competing Omega-3 and Omega-6 HUFA |
2015/04/04 - |
BJN Omega-3, EPA and DHA, Benefits Exceed Potential Risks |
2015/01/01 - |
BRI - Alpha-Linolenic Acid: an Omega-3 FA with Neuroprotective Properties |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Nutritional Armor: Omega-3 for the Warfighter |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Omega-3 FA for Stress Resilience, Wellness, and Military Performance |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Modeling Changes in Omega FAs of U.S. Garrison Foods |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Omega-3 FA and Stress-Induced Immune Dysregulation |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Omega-3 FA: Nutritional Armor and Trends for Warrior Performance |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM – Omega-3s and 6s Compete in Producing Tissue Compositions and Responses |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Omega-3 FA Biochemistry: Perspectives From Human Nutrition |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM – LC Omega-3 FA and Optimization of Cognitive Performance |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - DHA to Mitigate Mild Traumatic Brain Injury |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM- Omega-3 FA In Surgery, Trauma, and Intensive Care |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Neuroprotection by DHA in Brain Injury |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - Potential for Military Diets to Reduce Depression, Suicide, and Impulsive Aggression |
2014/11/11 - |
MilM - *Diet And Nutrition Are Important For Performance |
2014/11/10 - |
MilM – DHA, Evolution and Hominid Brain Development |
2014/10/30 - |
BJN - Heart Rate Recovery Improved with Omega-3 Index in Healthy Males |
2014/10/22 - |
JAHA – Trends in Fatty Acid Intake, 1980-2009 |
2014/10/10 - |
MNFR - More Omega-3 and Reduced Omega-6 on Age-Related Macular Degeneration |
2014/10/10 - |
IJSNEM - Low Omega-3 Index in Endurance Athletes |
2014/10/08 - |
EFSA - Scientific Opinion on Substantiation of DHA Related Health Claim |
2014/09/09 - |
RMC - Mercury in Fish and Its Importance in Health |
2014/06/06 - |
PLEFA - Omega-3 FA to Reverse Symptoms of Dry Eye |
2014/05/30 - |
JNut - Pattern of Consumption Affects Incorporation of Omegas into Cells |
2014/04/15 - |
BJM – Intake of ‘Healthy’ Fats Up, While That of Harmful Fats Remains the Same |
2014/04/15 - |
NutJ – Omega-3 Supplementation Advised for U.S. Adults & Children |
2014/04/04 - |
RDD - Neuropsychological Improvement with Omega-3 FA |
2014/03/18 - |
OMCL - Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Depression |
2014/03/18 - |
OMCL – Correcting Inadequate Omega-3 PUFA in Diet is a Priority |
2014/03/11 - |
Diet and Cancer and Heart Disease |
2014/01/22 - |
Neurology – Omega-3 PUFA for Larger Total Normal Brain Volume |
2013/12/15 - |
Heart - Omega-3 LCPUFAs and Difference of CAC Between Japanese and White Men. |
2013/11/20 - |
JNut – Dark-Green Vegetable-Rich Diets and Increased Omega-3 Response |
2013/10/01 - |
VasM - Design and Methods of the OMEGA-PAD Trial |
2013/09/29 - |
Nutrition - Impact of Nutrition on Serum Levels of DHA among Children with Autism |
2013/09/15 - |
JCL - RBCs Provide Most Reliable Estimate of Chronic EPA + DHA Status |
2013/09/09 - |
PLEFA - Omega 3 PUFA Lowest levels, especially DHA, Found in Children |
2013/09/04 - |
Lipids - Children Do Not Consume Recommended Omega-3 LCFA |
2013/08/20 - |
NutJ - Fish Oil Supplement Improves Omega-3 Fatty Acid Status |
2013/06/30 - |
PLEFA – Omega-3 FA Inversely Related to Callous and Unemotional Traits |
2013/06/15 - |
PLEFA – Omega-3 FA Related to Emotional Processing in ADHD |
2013/02/05 - |
Nutrients - Bellagio Report on Healthy Agriculture, Healthy Nutrition, Healthy People |
2013/01/31 - |
JPEN - Role of Omega-3 DHA in Human Life Cycle |
2012/12/15 - |
Atheros - Omega-3 Index Variability Determined Primarily by Dietary and Genetic Factors |
2012/07/07 - |
NutH – Widespread Omega-3 Deficiency |
2012/03/22 - |
JNut - Mechanisms of Action of (N-3) Fatty Acids |
2012/03/03 - |
JNut - Omega-3s for Food: Stearidonic Acid, Sustainable Choice |
2012/01/01 - |
PloSO - Unsaturated FA Revert Diet-Induced Hypothalamic Inflammation in Obesity |
2011/12/20 - |
COL - Stearidonic Acid As A 'Pro-Eicosapentaenoic Acid' |
2011/06/30 - |
POLM - Prevent The Cause, Not Just the Symptoms |
2011/06/08 - |
Nutrition - Australian Children Not Consuming Enough Omega-3 LCPUFA For Optimal Health
2011/04/29 - |
PNBP – Depression and CFS Share Clinical Components |
2010/07/15 - |
CCQO - Blood EPA and DHA Acids Predict All-Cause Mortality |
2010/01/01 - |
CRC Press - Pathophysiology and Evolutionary Aspects of Dietary Fats |
2010/01/01 - |
FAO & WHO - Fats and Fatty Acids in Human Nutrition |
2009/01/01 - |
WRND - Evolutionary Aspects of the Dietary n-6:n-3 FA Ratio: Medical Implications |
2008/08/08 - |
MinP - Omega-3: From Cod-Liver Oil To Nutrigenomics |
2008/02/11 - |
COL – Omega 6:3 Ratios Relevant To Diet And Maintaining Proper Health |
2008/01/15 - |
OpenBio - Determinants of Blood Cell Omega-3 Fatty Acid Content |
2008/01/01 - |
NutH - Health Benefits of Essential Fatty Acids From Fish Oils |
2007/12/15 - |
AJCN – Fish or Fish-Oil Capsules for Enriching Blood Lipids with n-3 FAs |
2006/10/15 - |
AJPM - Cardiovascular Benefits by Raising Omega-3 FA Levels |
2006/06/06 - |
JNutr - Maternal Omega-3 FA Deficiency Alters Neurogenesis in the Brain |
2005/02/02 - |
BRCPS - Dietary Fats And Membrane Function: Implications For Metabolism And Disease |
2004/08/08 - |
JNB - Dietary Patterns and FAs in Children with ADHD |
2004/01/21 - |
JNut - Is DHA Essential? |
2003/10/10 - |
DAD - PUFA Status and Aggression in Cocaine Addicts |
2003/08/30 - |
PsyR - PUFA Status and Relapse Vulnerability in Cocaine Addicts |
2002/12/12 - |
Lipids - The Role of Alpha-Linolenic Acid for Mammals |
2001/10/10 - |
PLEFA – Omega-3 FA as Beneficial Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa |
1998/02/22 - |
JNut - Slow Discovery of Omega 3 EFA Importance in Human Health |
1997/08/06 - |
PLEFA – Borage and Fish Oils on Membrane Changes |
1969/12/31 - |
MilM - Can Omega-3 FAs Enhance Stress Resilience, Wellness, And Military Performance? |