2018/09/06 - |
Nutrients - Composition and Intake of n-3 and n-6 PUFA in Cognitive Function |
2018/02/09 - |
JPAD –Omega-3 FAs on Resting Cerebral Perfusion |
2017/11/01 - |
JNHA - Cognitive Changes with Omega-3 PUFA in Non-Demented Older Adults |
2017/10/10 - |
JNHA - Cognitive Changes with Omega-3 PUFA in Elders with Low Omega-3 Index |
2017/09/01 - |
JNeur - Resolution of inflammation, Omega-3 FAs and Alzheimer Disease |
2017/08/08 - |
CRB - Docosahexaenoic Acid - One Molecule Diverse Functions |
2017/07/29 - |
MBD - Omega-3 FAs Revert High-Fat Diet-Induced Neuroinflammation |
2017/07/07 - |
NutrN – PUFA and Endocannabinoids in Health and Disease |
2017/06/15 - |
PLEFA – Omega-3 FA Inversely Associated with Incident Dementia |
2017/05/18 - |
AlzD – Omega-3 Levels Related to Higher Blood Flow in Brain |
2017/05/11 - |
NutrN – Omega-3s in Healthy Brain Fluid Intelligence |
2017/05/05 - |
ExpG – Omega-3 FA, Med Diet and Cognitive function in Normal Aging |
2017/05/02 - |
AgingD – Omega-3s Linked to Healthy Brain Aging |
2017/04/04 - |
TrendsN - Obesity-Induced Neuroinflammation: Beyond the Hypothalamus |
2017/03/03 - |
JAMANeu - DHA With Alzheimer Disease Stage in Apolipoprotein E ε4 Carriers |
2017/03/03 - |
COCNMC - Omega-3 FA For Prevention-Treatment Of Cognitive Decline, Dementia or Alzheimer's Disease |
2017/02/02 - |
GGI – DHA on Cognitive Function and Mental Health in Elderly Population |
2017/01/10 - |
Nutrients – Fish Oil Improved Cognitive Function in Elderly with MCI |
2017/01/01 - |
JCMR - Effects of Omega-3 PUFA on Dementia |
2017/01/01 - |
AJCN - Executive Functions and N-6-to-N-3 FA Ratio: A Cross-Sectional Study |
2016/12/12 - |
IJN - Omega-3 PUFA through the Lifespan – Implication for Psychopathology |
2016/12/12 - |
NRR – Review - DHA and Health: Cognitive Function Ageing |
2016/10/07 - |
FASEB – Omega-3s’ in Reducing Aβ Accumulation for AD Prevention |
2016/10/01 - |
JAD – DHA Significantly Slows the Progression of Hippocampal Atrophy |
2016/08/08 - |
EJCN - Association between Omega-3 PUFA and Cognitive Performance in Elders |
2016/07/27 - |
Neuroscience – Omega-3 FA Alleviate Cognitive, Behavioral Deficits in Alzheimer’s |
2016/06/06 - |
ART - APOE Genotype and DHA to Cerebrospinal Fluid in Alzheimer's Disease |
2016/05/05 - |
EBM - DHA Reverses Genomic and Network Perturbations Elicited by Fructose |
2016/05/05 - |
Neuroimage - Omega-3 FA, Exercise, and Cognitive Stimulation Benefits Brain |
2016/05/05 - |
PainM - The Role of Diet in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia |
2016/04/04 - |
FASEB - Lutein and DHA in Brain Cells for Controlling Cognition (animal study) |
2016/04/04 - |
PLR – EPA and DHA for Major Depression and Alzheimer’s Disease |
2016/03/23 - |
JNB – DHA on the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease |
2016/02/17 - |
Nutrients - Docosahexaenoic Acid and Cognition throughout the Lifespan |
2016/01/06 - |
JAD - Omega-3 FA Enhance Prevention of Cognitive Decline by B Vitamins |
2016/01/02 - |
Nutrients - Omega-3 Index and Cognition in Adolescents |
2016/01/01 - |
JAD - Omega-3 FA on Memory Functions in Healthy Older Adults |
2016/01/01 - |
ANM - Omega-3 LCPUFA Linked with Health Benefits Along the Life Span |
2015/08/25 - |
JAMA - Effect of Omega-3 FA, Lutein/Zeaxanthin on Cognitive Function: AREDS2 |
2015/07/07 - |
AJCN – Omega-3 and Vitamin B in Brain Atrophy in Cognitively Impaired |
2015/07/04 - |
ART - Effects of Uridine, DHA, Choline, and Other Nutrients in Alzheimer's Disease |
2015/06/06 - |
JNeuro – Omega-3 FA Augment Actions in Alzheimer’s Disease |
2015/05/21 - |
FAN - Omega-3 FA Enhance Cognitive Flexibility in At-Risk Older Adults |
2015/03/24 - |
FASEB – Significant Immune and Biochemical Effects of Omega-3 |
2015/03/18 - |
PLoSO - DHA for Improved Memory Function |
2015/03/03 - |
LancetP - Nutritional Medicine as Mainstream in Psychiatry |
2015/01/30 - |
PLEFA – DHA for Adult Brain in Aging and Dementia |
2014/09/09 - |
IJGM - Omega-3 FA Beneficial in Preventing Memory Decline |
2014/09/09 - |
Aging - Reversal of Cognitive Decline: A Novel Therapeutic Program |
2014/06/23 - |
PLoSO - Cerebrospinal Fatty Acid Levels Altered in Alzheimer's Disease |
2014/06/18 - |
AlzD - Fish Oil and Preservation of Brain Volume and Cognitive Function |
2014/04/27 - |
FASEB - Diet Predicts Cognitive Decline |
2014/04/15 - |
NihR – Omega-3 FA and Cognition – Review |
2014/04/04 - |
RDD - Neuropsychological Improvement with Omega-3 FA |
2014/04/04 - |
EJCN – DHA and EPA and Risk of Cognitive Decline |
2014/01/28 - |
HumP – Omega-3s Improve Cognition and Modifies Brain Activation |
2014/01/01 - |
JAD - Omega-3 FA and Alpha Lipoic Acid in Alzheimer's Disease
2013/12/12 - |
FAN – Omega-3 PUFA May Prevent Vascular Cognitive Aging |
2013/11/11 - |
COCNMC – Diet and Cognition: Interplay Between Cell Metabolism and Neuronal Plasticity |
2013/10/03 - |
Nutrition - Telomere Shortening May Be Attenuated with Omega-3 FAs |
2013/06/24 - |
CerC - Omega-3 FA Improve Aging Brain Functions and Structures |
2013/03/20 - |
AJCN - DHA Improved Both Memory And Reaction Time |
2013/03/03 - |
JNHA – LCPUFAs for Prevention of Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer's Disease |
2013/02/28 - |
Psychopharm – DHA Fish Oil to Improve Memory Function |
2013/02/08 - |
ARR - Omega-3 FA and Brain Resistance to Ageing and Stress |
2012/11/22 - |
NutJ – Omega-3 on Cognitive Metabolic Improvement in Elders |
2012/11/11 - |
SchR - A Meta-Analysis of PUFA of Erythrocyte Membranes in Schizophrenia |
2012/10/30 - |
PLoSO – Improved Working Memory with Omega-3 PUFAs |
2012/09/09 - |
JCP - A Meta-Analytic Review of PUFA Compositions in Dementia |
2012/08/08 - |
Neurology - EPA and Cognitive Decline and Depressive Symptoms |
2012/07/13 - |
Age – EPA and DHA Linked to Improved Cognitive Health In Elderly |
2012/06/28 - |
NutN - Omega-3 FAs And Neurocognitive Performance In US Servicemembers |
2012/06/13 - |
CDSR - Omega 3 FA for Prevention of Cognitive Decline and Dementia |
2012/06/12 - |
BJN – EPA/DHA on Depressive Symptoms, Quality of Life, Memory in Older Adults |
2012/06/02 - |
Neurology - Omega-3 May Boost Memory |
2012/05/15 - |
JPhy - Omega-3 FA Deficiency Exacerbates Dysfunctions in Insulin Receptor Signaling and Cognition |
2012/02/15 - |
AJCN - Low Concentrations Omega-3 PUFAs Predictors For Cognitive Impairment |
2012/01/01 - |
JAD - FA profiles in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease |
2011/05/01 - |
PLEFA – PUFA Status and Memory, Cognition, & Mood |
2011/02/08 - |
BJN - Cognitive Functions Mediated By Higher DHA And Lower Omega-6:3 Ratios |
2011/02/01 - |
JNHA – Fish, Omega-3 FA and Cognitive Function |
2011/01/27 - |
NutM – DHA in Elderly Cognitive Decline |
2011/01/05 - |
PLoSO – DHA Protectin Induces Protective Mechanisms in Alzheimer’s Disease
2011/01/01 - |
JNHA - High Omega-3 FAs Associated With Decreased Dementia Risk |
2011/01/01 - |
FEN – Cognitive Benefits of Increasing Dietary Omega-3 FA and Decreasing Omgea-6 |
2011/01/01 - |
JNHA – Omega 3PUFA and cognitive decline- Singapore Longitudinal Aging Studies |
2010/12/01 - |
NutR – DHA, A Nutritional Modifier of Aging Brain Function |
2010/11/24 - |
JNB – Fish Oil Promotes Survival and Protects Against Cognitive Decline |
2010/11/11 - |
AlzD – DHA Benefits Cognition Age-related Decline |
2010/11/03 - |
JAMA – DHA and Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer Disease |
2010/11/01 - |
RPFNA – DHA Supplementation for Fertility and Cognition |
2010/10/22 - |
JBC – Protective Effects of DHA in Alzheimer’s Disease |
2010/09/08 - |
PLoS - DHA Deficiency in Alzheimer’s Patients |
2010/07/01 - |
RMCSMNI – Exponential Cognitive Performance with Omega-3 FA |
2010/06/06 - |
DGCD - PS-DHA for Improved Cognition In Elderly with Memory Complaints |
2010/05/01 - |
CurAlzRes – DHA Prevention of CVD and Cognitive Decline |
2010/05/01 - |
JNB – Omega-3 FA-Mediated Development and Maintenance of Memory |
2010/04/07 - |
CIA – Omega-3 FA Manage Alzheimer’s Disease |
2010/04/01 - |
AgeRR - Dietary Fatty Acids In Dementia And Predementia Syndromes |
2010/04/01 - |
JNut - DHA May Prevent Age-Related Dementia |
2010/02/24 - |
JN – DHA Associated with Cognitive Functioning during Adulthood |
2010/02/02 - |
Nutrients - Omega-3 FA in Psychopathology Across the Lifespan |
2010/01/02 - |
JCL - Altered Cholesterol And FA Metabolism In Huntington Disease |
2010/01/01 - |
WH - Omega-3 FAs And Cognitive Function In Women |
2010/01/01 - |
AcP – Fish Consumption and Adolescent School Grades |
2009/12/01 - |
UJMS – Fresh Fish Oils Best and Increase Brain Phospholipid |
2009/09/01 - |
PLR - Fish, DHA, and Alzheimer's Disease |
2009/08/01 - |
PLEFA - Omega-3 Fatty Acids And Dementia |
2009/07/15 - |
JN – DHA Improves Insulin/Trophic Signaling And Cognitive Deficits In
Alzheimer’s Disease
2009/07/01 - |
AJCN - Omega-3 FA in Relation to Long-Term Dementia Risk |
2009/06/24 - |
AJCN - Fish vs. Meat Intake And the Risk of Dementia |
2009/04/04 - |
NutN – Cognitive and Mood Effects of DHA in Children 10-12 Years |
2009/03/13 - |
JNHA - Synapse Formation Enhanced by DHA |
2009/03/01 - |
WRND – DHA, Uridine, & Choline Increases Levels of Synaptic Membranes and Dendritic Spines |
2009/03/01 - |
ActaP – Benefits of oily fish and omega-3, increased IQ |
2009/02/01 - |
AJCN - EPA and Psychological Distress In Women |
2009/02/01 - |
PLEFA - Omega-3 FAs in Boys with ADHD |
2009/01/01 - |
SPH - Study to Evaluate Impact of Pure Fish Oil Among Pro Football Players |
2009/01/01 - |
NR – DHA Among Other Supplementation Improves Cognitive Performance |
2009/01/01 - |
PLEFA – Benefits of Omega-3 Gene And Protein Expression |
2009/01/01 - |
CPD – PUFA For Prevention and Treatment of Dementia? |
2008/12/01 - |
JN – Omega PUFA and the Aging Brain: Food for Thought |
2008/11/15 - |
PLEFA – DHA and Cognitive Function - Review |
2008/10/01 - |
CAlR - Fatty Aspirin For Prevention Of Dementia/Alzheimer's |
2008/09/01 - |
AJCN - High plasma EPA Concentration and the Risk of Dementia |
2008/08/26 - |
Neurosc - DHA Diet & Exercise for Cognition |
2008/08/08 - |
Neurology - Fish Oil on Cognitive Performance in Older Subjects |
2008/08/05 - |
Neuro – Omega-3 Fish Linked To Less Memory Loss |
2008/08/01 - |
PNBP - Omega-3 FA in Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment |
2008/07/21 - |
COID – Low omega-3s may be a factor in neurological disorders. |
2008/07/09 - |
NRN - Brain foods: The Effects of Nutrients (Omega-3s) on Brain Function |
2008/07/07 - |
IJGP - Fat Intake at Midlife and Cognitive Impairment Later in Life |
2008/06/01 - |
JNHA – Omega-3 PUFA Supplementation Maintaining Adequate Cognitive Functioning |
2008/06/01 - |
AMR – Omega-3s Benefit Age-Associated Cognitive Impairment |
2008/05/06 - |
EJP – Omega-3 FAs in the Management of Alzheimer's Disease |
2008/04/25 - |
PLEFA – Deficiency in Ω-3 leaves the brain vulnerable to decline in rats. |
2008/04/01 - |
NutNeuro – DHA and Lutein in Cognition in Older Women |
2008/03/01 - |
PLEFA – DHA shown to affect pro-inflammatory mediators and signaling in rats |
2008/02/05 - |
CN - Ω3 may improve certain elements of PAD |
2008/01/24 - |
EJN – DHA may have role in protecting against Alzheimers |
2008/01/01 - |
MedH – PUFA, the Endogenous ‘Polypill’ for Prevention of Brain Disorders |
2007/12/20 - |
AJCN – High Fish Intake Associated With Better Cognitive Performance In Elderly |
2007/12/20 - |
AJCN – Omega 3s may slow the speed of cognitive decline |
2007/12/01 - |
JNeurosci – DHA for Prevention of Alzheimer's disease |
2007/11/13 - |
Neurology – Omega-3 FA Help to Lower the Risk of Dementia and Alzheimers
2007/11/01 - |
PLEFA – Omega-3 PUFA Offer Neuroprotection Against AD & PD |
2007/09/01 - |
AMR – Omega-3 FA for Cognition, Behavior and Mood |
2007/07/25 - |
AJCN – EPA and DHA may postpone cognitive decline in elderly men. |
2007/07/11 - |
AJCN - Higher intakes of omega-3 fats in the diet of hypertensive and dyslipidemic persons may have substantial benefits in reducing their risk of cognitive decline in the area of verbal fluency. |
2007/07/11 - |
EN - Omega-3/omega-6 balance may impact dyslexia |
2007/04/01 - |
AJCN – DHA in Alzheimer Disease |
2007/01/30 - |
PNBP - Omega-3 FAs And Antioxidants In Neurological And Psychiatric Diseases |
2007/01/01 - |
ExpG - The Role Of Insulin And Omega-3 FAs In Brain Aging and Alzheimer's Disease |
2006/11/01 - |
ArchN - PC DHA and Risk of Dementia and Alzheimer Disease
2006/10/15 - |
NeuR – AA and DHA Improve Cognitive Dysfunction |
2006/10/01 - |
ArchNeuro - Fish Oil Shown To Slow Decline In Mild Cognitive Dysfunction |
2006/10/01 - |
PLEFA – Omega-3 FAs in Prevention of Psychopathology |
2006/05/09 - |
BR – DHA Useful in Treating Alzheimer’s Disease |
2006/01/01 - |
NutH - Avoidable Brain Dysfunctions with Adequate Dietary Omega-3 |
2005/11/01 - |
EJCI – Cognitive and Physiological Effects of Omega-3 FA |
2005/08/01 - |
AJCN – DHA Positively Associated with Cognitive/Behavioral Performance |
2005/07/01 - |
Neuro - Diet rich in unsaturated fatty acids is associated with reduced risk of Parkinson's disaase |
2005/03/23 - |
JNeurosci - DHA protective against Alzheimer's progression |
2005/02/01 - |
MedS - Omega-3 FA In Psychiatry |
2005/01/01 - |
JNHA - Omega-3 FAs and Psychiatry |
2004/01/27 - |
Neuro - Consumption of marine omega-3 fats associated with a reduced risk of impaired cognitive function in a middle-aged population |
2004/01/27 - |
Neurology – Omega-3 FA and Cognitive Performance At Middle Age |
2004/01/01 - |
AJCN - Optimal Omega FAs For Improving Retention Of Cognitive Function In Old Age |
2003/07/07 - |
ArchNeuro - Consumption of Fish and n-3 Fatty Acids and Risk of Incident Alzheimer Disease |
2003/04/01 - |
AJCN - Lower risk of cognitive decline associated with higher omega-3 intake |
2003/04/01 - |
CJP – EFAs and the Brain |
2003/04/01 - |
AJCN - Cognitive Decline And FA Composition of Red Blood Cells |
2003/02/18 - |
PNAS - Preliminary report, study shows how fish oil may reduce age-related dementias |
2002/10/26 - |
BMJ - Eating Fish, not meat, Lowers the Risk of Dementia |
2002/05/01 - |
DT – Chronic and Compromised Cognitive Status |
2000/12/01 - |
Lipids – Low Omega-3 FA Risk Factor for Cognitive Impairment/Dementia |
2000/12/01 - |
PLEFA - How Omega-3s Help The Heart, Brain, And Gut |
2000/07/01 - |
IJDN – EFAs and the Brain: Possible Health Implications |
1999/11/11 - |
MedH - A role suggested for fish oil and GLA in reducing dementia |
1999/06/15 - |
JNeurR - EFAs Are Mediators of Brain Biochemistry and Cognitive Functions |
1997/11/11 - |
AnnNeuro - Omega-3 fats from fish associated with lower risk of dementias |
1997/01/01 - |
AJE – PUFAs, Antioxidants, and Cognitive Function |
1992/10/30 - |
MedH - Could diet be one of the causal factors of Alzheimer's disease? |
1992/03/01 - |
PNAS - Evidence For A Membrane Defect In Alzheimer Disease Brain |