2018/09/03 - |
JDS – Omega-3 PUFA on Serum Leptin Levels, Appetite Sensations, and Intake of Energy and Macronutrients in Obese People |
2018/08/08 - |
Diabetes - Transplantation of ω3 PUFA Prevents Obesity and Associated Metabolic Disorders |
2018/03/30 - |
Nutrients - Obesity, Inflammation, Toll-Like Receptor 4 and Fatty Acids |
2018/01/30 - |
AJCN – Prenatal DHA Benefits Fat Free Child Body Composition at 5 Years |
2017/12/12 - |
JCEM - DHA in Pregnancy Modulates Signaling and Nutrient Transport in Obese Women |
2017/11/13 - |
CPR - Anti-inflammatory Effect of Omega-3 FA is Attenuated in Obesity |
2017/08/08 - |
BBRC - Omega-3 PUFA Modulate FA Metabolism of Adipose Tissue Macrophages |
2017/08/08 - |
EJN - A PUFA-Rich Diet Improves Fat Oxidation Following Saturated Fat-Rich Meal |
2017/07/29 - |
MBD – Omega 3 FA Revert High-Fat Diet-Induced Neuroinflammation |
2017/07/29 - |
MBD - Omega-3 FAs Revert High-Fat Diet-Induced Neuroinflammation |
2017/06/14 - |
EJCN - Abdominal Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes in Asian Indians: Dietary Strategies |
2017/06/06 - |
Nutrients - Supplementation during Pregnancy: Child Adiposity Outcomes |
2017/06/01 - |
JFF - Emerging Global Phenomenon of Sarcopenic Obesity and Omega-3 Benefits |
2017/05/05 - |
AJCN – Omega-3 FAs in Pregnancy Affecting Postpartum Weight Reduction |
2017/04/05 - |
PLoSO - Body Weight Affects Omega 3 PUFA Accumulation in Youth |
2017/04/04 - |
MNFR - Effects of PUFA and Their Relation with BMI |
2017/02/02 - |
PLoSO – Omega-3 PUFA Intake and Fish Consumption in Children and Adolescents |
2016/12/12 - |
JCL – PUFA and Aging-Related Arterial Stiffness in Overweight Subjects
2016/11/28 - |
BBA – Omega-3 PUFAs increased Pro-resolving Mediators in Women with Obesity
2016/10/10 - |
IJMS - Omega-3 PUFA in Ameliorating the Obesity-Induced Metabolic Syndrome |
2016/09/09 - |
OpenH - Balanced Omega-6:3 Ratio for Prevention-Management of Obesity |
2016/06/09 - |
FCN - Substitution of Saturated by Unsaturated FAs has Beneficial Effects for Body and Brain |
2016/05/05 - |
EBM - DHA Reverses Genomic and Network Perturbations Elicited by Fructose |
2016/04/04 - |
CPR - Omega-3s May Lower Breast Cancer Risk for Obese Women |
2016/03/03 - |
Nutrients - Omega-6/Omega-3 FA Ratio Increases Risk for Obesity |
2016/03/03 - |
EJN – Omega-6 FA, Weight Gain, and Risk of Becoming Overweight or Obese |
2016/01/15 - |
MolP – Omega-3 FA, Inflammation, and Major Depressive Disorder |
2015/12/17 - |
SciR - Fish Oils Attenuate Fat Accumulation And Ameliorate Lipid Metabolism |
2015/09/09 - |
PLEFA - Omega-3 FA in Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome |
2015/02/23 - |
Obesity - α-Lipoic Acid and EPA During Weight Loss |
2014/10/10 - |
BBA - EPA/DHA Enhance the Formation of "Healthy" Adipocytes |
2014/09/19 - |
DMSO – Fish Oil Supplementation Benefits Metabolic Health |
2014/08/08 - |
MolE - Omega-3 PUFA Confers Resistance to Obesity, Dyslipidemia, and Diabetes |
2014/06/06 - |
JPB - Omega-3 PUFA and Possible Link with Change In Microbiota Composition |
2014/05/05 - |
Nutrients - Relationship Between Erythrocyte Omega-3 Content and Obesity |
2014/04/15 - |
BJM – Intake of ‘Healthy’ Fats Up, While That of Harmful Fats Remains the Same |
2014/04/04 - |
EJN - FA Composition On Substrate Utilization And Body Weight Maintenance |
2014/02/15 - |
Endocrine - n-3 PUFA Improved Body Measurements and Lowered Triglycerides |
2013/12/12 - |
EJCN – Omega-3 Effects On Adiponectin And Leptin, Potential Implications For Obesity Management |
2013/10/10 - |
NutrR - High n-3/n-6 Improves Obesity-Linked Inflammation & Insulin Resistance |
2013/09/15 - |
DMRR - LC Omega-3 FA in Obesity-Induced Inflammation |
2013/07/26 - |
Nutrients – Omega-3s and High Fructose Sugar in Development of Metabolic Syndrome |
2013/07/07 - |
NutrR – LCPUFA Mutually Benefit Both Obesity and Osteoporosis |
2013/04/25 - |
FoodF – LC Omega-3 PUFA and Weight Loss |
2013/04/18 - |
BioR - Genetics and Dietary Fat Intake Combined as Determinants of Obesity |
2013/04/04 - |
JNutr – Omega-3s Increases Artery Elasticity in Obese Adults |
2013/04/02 - |
OOOO – Omega-3s for Body Weight Stabilization In Cancer Cachexia |
2013/03/25 - |
PLEFA - Obese Mother’s Milk with Higher Omega-6:3 Ratio than Normal |
2013/02/15 - |
COEDO - Omega-6 PUFA and Early Origins Of Obesity |
2013/02/10 - |
PLoSM - Causal Relationship between Obesity and Vitamin D Status |
2013/01/30 - |
JCEM - Maternal Omega-6 Status Influencing Offspring Adiposity In Childhood |
2012/12/22 - |
DiaC –High EPA Decreases Atherogenesis in Obese Patients |
2012/12/12 - |
PedR – PUFA Content of Mother's Milk Associated with Childhood Body Composition |
2012/10/03 - |
AJCN – LCPUFA Reduce Fat Tissue and Inflammation in Obese Patients |
2012/06/15 - |
JNM - Omega-3 LCPUFA Improved Glucose and Insulin Homeostasis |
2012/02/19 - |
Nature – Omega-3 FA Receptor Controls Energy Balancing and Risk of Obesity |
2012/02/15 - |
Obesity – Omega-3s Can Prevent Adipogenic Effect of Omega-6s |
2012/01/01 - |
PloSO - Unsaturated FA Revert Diet-Induced Hypothalamic Inflammation in Obesity |
2011/12/22 - |
MedH - Omega-3 FAs For Managing Overweight And Obesity |
2011/11/15 - |
ERCI - Recent Advances in the Field of Nutritional Immunology |
2011/07/23 - |
EJCN – Omega-3 FA For Reduction Of Obesity-Related Disease Risk |
2011/07/15 - |
AdvN – Omega-3 FA Alleviate Adipose Tissue Inflammation and Insulin Resistance
2011/06/12 - |
Nutrition – Omega-3 FAs to Improve Insulin Sensitivity and Control Body Fat |
2011/01/12 - |
IJPO – Omega-3 Index, Obesity and Insulin Resistance in Children
2010/12/01 - |
AJCN – Mediterranean Diet Significantly Associated With Weight Reduction |
2010/11/01 - |
MoMed – Omega-3 FA for Improving Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity |
2010/10/08 - |
JISSN – Fish Oil on Metabolic Rate, Body Composition and Coritsol |
2010/09/09 - |
NeuA – High-Fat Diet with Low Omega-3 PUFA Intake Aggravates AD |
2010/08/01 - |
JLR – Omega Imbalance Leads to Inherited Obesity |
2009/11/16 - |
DOM – Omega-3 FAs Improve Lipid Metabolism |
2009/11/01 - |
ObeR - Anti‐Obesity Effects LCPUFAs |
2009/06/01 - |
FASEB - Resolvins and Protectins Benefit Obesity-Induced Insulin Resistance |
2009/05/19 - |
BJN – Omega-3 FAs Negatively Associated With Obesity |
2009/05/01 - |
AJCN - Vitamin D May Boost Heart Health During Weight Loss |
2009/01/01 - |
JNSV – Role of EPA in Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome Prevention |
2009/01/01 - |
CPN – Decrease of Omega-3 FAs Elicits Obesity |
2008/11/01 - |
Appetite – Omega-3s For Appetite Control, Satiety And Promoting Weight Loss |
2008/09/01 - |
BJN – Is The Relative Intake Of N-6 To N-3 PUFA A Cause Of Obesity? |
2008/07/01 - |
MCP – Lifestyle changes, red yeast rice, fish oil reduced LDL-C similar to statins. |
2008/04/25 - |
AJCN – Low omega-3 intake will not effect adiposity in overweight men or women |
2008/03/01 - |
Obesity – Omega-3 fatty acids prevent increases in abdominal fat |
2008/03/01 - |
JPS – EPA shown to inhibit adipose tissue |
2008/02/20 - |
AJCN – Omega-3 Shown To Reduce Adiposity In Women With Type 2 Diabetes |
2008/01/21 - |
DOM - Inflammation in obese patients influences impact of omega-3s |
2007/12/12 - |
APNM - Inflammation, Obesity, And FA Metabolism Contributors to Metabolic Syndrome |
2007/10/03 - |
ATV - Proper Ω-3/Ω-6 ratios are necessary when reducing saturated fat intake. |
2007/08/08 - |
IJO - Vitamin D important in combating obesity. |
2007/07/11 - |
NAASO - EPA regulates adipose tissue. |
2007/05/15 - |
AJCN – Fish Oil/Exercise Improve Body Composition and Risk Factors |
2007/04/11 - |
DIAB - Omega-3 FA Protect From High-Fat Diet-Induced Insulin Resistance |
2006/05/01 - |
PLR – Omega-6:3 Ratio Associated With Increased Fat Consumption |
2006/04/18 - |
Life Sci - Fish oil along with calorie restriction reduces inflammation associated with aging, preliminary study shows
2005/12/01 - |
AJCN - Omega-3s may protect obese teens from chronic disease markers |
2002/06/01 - |
AJPEM - Effects Of Dietary Fat Types On Body Fatness |
2001/10/10 - |
PLEFA – Omega-3 FA as Beneficial Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa |
2001/09/09 - |
JNut - Fish oil Beneficial in Rapid Weight Reduction |
1999/11/11 - |
AJCN - Dietary fish as a Major Component of a Weight-Loss Diet |
1996/01/01 - |
LifeS – DHA Benefits Appetite Suppression |
1993/03/01 - |
JN - Dietary Lipid Profile And Weight Gain |