Omega Research
Cancer Research Children's Health and Development Diabetes Environmental Concerns Female Health and Reproduction Immune Health Inflammation Lifestyle and Healthy Living Mental/Neurological Health Organ-specific/Physiology Plant-Based GLA (Borage) Benefits Plant-Based Omegas Purity/Safety Considerations Somatosensory System Veterinary Research / Canine & Feline & other Vitamin A Research Vitamin D Research Vitamin E Research
Cancer Research
Various Cancers
2018/11/10 - NEJM - Vitamin D Supplements and Prevention of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease – VITAL study
2018/09/09 - Medicines – Omega-3 FAs, Microbiome and Immune System Link in Modulating Cancer?
2018/09/06 - JNCI - Role of Host GPR120 in Mediating Omega-3 FA Inhibition of Prostate Cancer
2018/07/03 - CMR - Omega-3 PUFA as Adjuvant Therapy of Colorectal Cancer - Review
2018/06/06 - APJCO - Probiotic and omega-3 FA Modulating Quality of Life and Inflammatory Markers
2018/02/02 - PNS – VLC Omega-3 FA And Human Health: Fact, Fiction and The Future
2018/02/02 - BCRT – Omega-3s for Joint Pain Prevention in Breast Cancer Survivors
2018/01/01 - DHA Induces Pyroptosis Cell Death in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells
2017/12/22 - IJMS – DHA Plus Dietary Energy Restriction for Reduction of Obesity in Breast Cancer
2017/10/10 - FCT – DHA Increases Expression of Oxidative Stress-Induced Growth Inhibitor
2017/10/03 - PharmR - Cancer-Modulation of Lipid Metabolism and Inflammation Resolution
2017/09/09 - InVivo – High Omega6-Omega-3 Ratio as Predictor of Skeletal Muscle Depletion
2017/07/24 - CRFSN - Omega-3 LCPUFA Against Breast and Prostate Cancer, Doses
2017/07/01 - CNR - Fish Oil derived Omega-3 PUFA on Colon Carcinogenesis
2017/06/06 - EJCN – Omega-3s for Breast Density and Breast Cancer Risk Reductions
2017/04/14 - BMCC - Omega-3 FA in Undergoing Surgery for Gastrointestinal Malignancy
2017/04/04 - JNB - Fish Oil on Prostaglandins in Normal and Tumor Colon Tissue
2017/03/26 - CEBP - Early Life Residence, Fish Consumption, and Risk of Breast Cancer
2017/03/03 - JPEN - Omega-3 FA Plus Gemcitabine for Quality of Life
2017/01/31 - Oncotarget - PUFA Ameliorate Aging via Redox-Telomere-Antioncogene Axis
2017/01/01 - BCRT - Fatigue Reduction Diet in Breast Cancer Survivors
2017/01/01 - NutrC - DHA-mediated Enhancement of Apoptosis in Acute Cancer Cells
2016/12/12 - PLEFA – EPA Levels in Patients with Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases
2016/10/10 - SCB - Anti-inflammatory effects of DHA: Cancer Chemopreventive Potential
2016/09/09 - JGC - Omega FAs on mRNA Expression Level of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha
2016/09/09 - Prostate - LC-PUFA Concentrations, Biosynthetic Capacity in Prostate Cancer Tissue
2016/07/19 - Gut - Marine Omega-3 PUFA Intake and Survival After Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis
2016/07/17 - ARN – Omega-3 F Nutrient-Gene Interaction in Colon Cancer
2016/07/07 - IJGC – DHA Modulates Invasion and Metastasis of Human Ovarian Cancer
2016/05/05 - CBI – DHA Formulation for Breast Cancer Prevention
2016/04/04 - CPR - Omega-3s May Lower Breast Cancer Risk for Obese Women
2015/10/10 - CPR – Omega-3 PUFA and their Role in Cancer Chemoprevention
2015/05/04 - BCR - Omega-3 FA for Breast Cancer Prevention and Survivorship
2014/12/12 - NutrC – Two or More Servings of Fish Yield Anti-Cancer Benefits
2014/10/10 - CPR - Biomarkers for Personalizing Omega-3 Fatty Acid Dosing
2014/05/01 - CGH - Low Vitamin D Levels Associated with Increased Cancer Risk
2014/03/27 - BMCM - Higher n-3/n-6 Ratio Inversely Associated with Breast Cancer Risk
2014/03/16 - AJE - Intake of LC Omega-3 FA May Reduce Risk of Total and Cancer-Specific Mortality
2014/03/01 - COCNMC – Omega-3 FA to Counteract Anabolic Resistance and Sarcopenia
2014/02/28 - BMCC – Lower Breast Cancer Risk with Higher Intake n-3/n-6 PUFA Ratio
2014/01/09 - CCC – Omega-3 FA Intake, Strategy for Breast Cancer Prevention
2013/10/29 - CPR - Low-Fat Fish Oil Diet Linked to Reduced Prostate Cancer Aggression
2013/09/20 - NutC – LCPUFA Omega-3 and Colorectal Cancer Prevention
2013/09/15 - Lipids – Fish Oil Improves Nutritional Prognosis In Cancer Patients
2013/07/26 - Carcinogenesis - Chemopreventative Potential Of EPA
2013/06/27 - BMJ – Higher Omega-3 Consumption Associated with Lower Breast Cancer Risk
2013/06/06 - ASCOEB - EPA and DHA for Cancer Prevention
2013/04/09 - AACR – DHA and Metabolites Inhibited Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation
2013/04/02 - OOOO – Omega-3s for Body Weight Stabilization In Cancer Cachexia
2013/01/31 - JNB – Omega-3 Directly Inhibit Breast Cancer Growth
2013/01/15 - PLEFA - Omega-3 PUFA Function in Colon Cancer Prevention
2013/01/15 - NutC - Low Omega-6:Omega-3 Fatty Acids Ratio May Delay Prostate Cancer Progression
2012/12/28 - PLoSO – Omega-3 PUFA Inhibit Human Breast Cancer Cell Growth
2012/12/01 - AJE - Fish Oils to Reduce Burden of Inflammation-Related Diseases
2012/11/22 - HPB - Omega-3 FA to Reduce Concentrations of Pro-Inflammatory Circulating Cytokines and Growth Factors
2012/11/07 - AJCN – Omega-3 LCPUFAs Relevance to Prostate Cancer Etiology
2012/09/30 - CBB - DHA Modify Cell Features Leading to Decrease of Breast Cancer
2012/08/31 - BMCCAM - DHA Inhibiting Inflammatory PGE2
2012/08/15 - BMCC - Omega-3 FA a Neuroprotective Agent for Prophylaxis against PIPN
2012/08/01 - AJE - Omega-3 FA May Improve Disease-Specific Survival for All Men
2012/07/07 - BJN - Omega-3 FA On Patients With Advanced Lung Cancer
2012/05/21 - BMCM- Omega-3s to Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases and Cancers
2012/04/20 - JCO – Omega-3s Linked To Decreased Inflammation And Decreased Fatigue
2012/04/14 - AJCN - Omega-3 PUFA Intake May Counteract Procarcinogenic Actions
2012/04/04 - Derma – Vitamin D for Breast Cancer Prevention
2012/03/23 - BMCC – Mediterranean Diet and Lower Risks of Breast Cancer
2012/03/09 - EJCN – Omega-3 FA Beneficial in Patients with NSCLC
2012/02/14 - LHD - Multiple Roles Of DGLA Acid Against Proliferation Diseases
2012/02/01 - NutC – Fish Oil Decreases C-reactive Protein/Albumin Ratio
2012/01/29 - WJCD – EPA + DHA Better Than Aspirin on Inflammation and Angiogenesis
2012/01/25 - AJCN – PUFAs and Reduction of Colorectal Polyp Risk
2012/01/01 - Gut – Omega-3 FA for Treatment and Prevention of Colorectal Cancer
2012/01/01 - CCT - Vitamin D And Omega-3 (VITAL) For Cancer And CVD Prevention
2012/01/01 - CanI – Omega-3 FA Inhibit Nuclear Factor Kappa B Activation
2011/12/22 - Blood - Omega-3 FA Metabolite Selectively Ablates Leukemia Stem Cells
2011/12/21 - CMR - Eicosanoid Pathways In Progression of Colorectal Cancer
2011/11/03 - CMR – Tumor Cell FA-Regulated Signaling and Transcription Factors
2011/10/28 - Biofactors – DHA, a Powerful Adjuvant for Anticancer Treatment
2011/10/14 - MedH - Low Ratio Omega-6:Omega-3 FA May Achieve Cancer Protection
2011/10/11 - PLEFA – Omega-3FA As Possible Therapeutic Agents In Breast & Prostate Cancers
2011/10/01 - CII – DHA, Potential Anticancer Immunogenic Chemotherapeutic Agent
2011/09/14 - LHD – PUFA Have Potential As Anti-Cancer Molecules
2011/08/15 - Cancer – Fish Oil Increases Chemo Efficacy
2011/08/01 - JACN – PUFAs Affect The Response To Anticancer Chemotherapy
2011/08/01 - BPRCEM – Vitamin D and Cancer
2011/05/31 - MedH - Anticancer Effects Of Vitamin D And Omega-3 PUFAs Combined
2011/05/12 - LHD – PUFA Incorporation in Membrane Effects Breast Cancer Cells
2011/05/05 - JN – Fish Oil Rapidly Incorporates EPA into White Blood Cells
2011/05/01 - GTKR – EPA Helps to Resolve General Debility During Chemotherapy
2011/03/17 - CarcinoG - Increased Omega-3 Tissue Status Suppresses Tumorigenesis
2011/03/15 - IJC - Dietary PUFA And Breast Cancer Risk In Chinese Women
2011/02/28 - Cancer – Fish Oil Benefits Post Chemo Weight & Muscle Mass Maintenance
2011/02/01 - JN - Marine Fatty Acid Intake Is Associated With Breast Cancer Prognosis
2011/01/26 - FroP - Microbial Induction of Immunity, Inflammation, and Cancer
2011/01/08 - BJC – EPA On Lean Body Mass In Cancer Cachexia
2010/11/01 - NC – Omega-3 FA Benefit Head And Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Major Surgery
2010/10/15 - IJC - Omega-3 FAs May Reduce Pancreatic Cancer Risk
2010/10/01 - JN – PUFA Supplements Affect Nutritional Status in Cancer Patients
2010/10/01 - Breast – Modifying Fats Towards A Primary Prevention Of Breast Cancer
2010/09/01 - Lipids - Chemopreventive Effect Of Ratios Of Fish Oil
2010/09/01 - PLEFA – Fatty Acids and Prostate Cancer Risk
2010/09/01 - CarcinoG - DHA Alters Signaling To Inhibit Cancer Growth
2010/08/15 - Neop - EPA Drives a "PGE(2)-To-PGE(3) Switch" In Cancer Cells
2010/08/01 - CN - Omega-3, A Preventive Agent For DNA Damages And Potential Cancer Inhabitant
2010/07/15 - PLR - Regulatory Activity of PUFA in T-Cell Signaling
2010/07/01 - CEBP - Fish Oil And Breast Cancer Risk Reduction
2010/07/01 - LHD – Fish Oil Decreases Inflammation and Protects DNA
2010/06/15 - BLL – PUFA: Heart Disease, Cancer, Immune Resistance and Mental Depression
2010/05/01 - AJE – PUFA and Bowel Cancer Risk
2010/05/01 - AJCN – Omega-3 Supplements for Women With High Risk of Breast Cancer
2010/04/01 - PLEFA - FAs and breast cancer: the role of stem cells
2010/03/26 - Gut - Fish Oil May Reduce Bowel Cancer Risk
2010/03/06 - ECR – Omega-3 FAs in Cancer Protection
2010/03/06 - BMCC – Maternal O-3s May Decrease Breast Cancer Risk In Daughter
2010/03/01 - COCNMC - Nutritional And Clinical Significance Of Lipid Rafts
2010/01/01 - NutC – Omega-3s as Adjuncts to Cytotoxic Therapies for Cancers
2010/01/01 - CMC - Chemoprevention Of Lung Pathologies By Omega-3 FA
2009/12/15 - BJC – DHA Improving Chemotherapy Outcome
2009/11/13 - JU – Low Fat Diet On Prostate Cancer
2009/11/01 - MCT - Omega-3 FAs Inhibit Cancer Growth
2009/11/01 - BCRT – Fish Oil Aids in Regulating Genes in Breast Tumor Growth
2009/09/09 - MCR – EPA-Derived Leukotriene, Significantly Inhibited Tumor Development
2009/09/01 - IJC - Cod Liver Oil And Survival Among Cancer Patients
2009/08/01 - CEBP – PUFA and Colorectal Cancer Risk
2009/07/01 - AR - Antioxidants In Combination With Fish Oil For Colon Cancer Therapy
2009/06/06 - NutC - Antineoplastic Effects of Omega-3 PUFA in Combination With Drugs And Radiotherapy
2009/06/01 - BMCC - Fatty Fish And Omega-3 FAS Decrease Breast Cancer Risk
2009/06/01 - TIV – GLA Modulates Resistant Cancer Cells To Anticancer Drugs
2009/05/05 - AAMC - Anticancer Actions Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
2009/05/01 - EJGH - DHA Protects Against Effects of 5-fluorouracil
2009/04/02 - CellD – Kidney Protective and Chemopreventive Effects of DHA
2009/04/01 - CCR - Omega-3 FAs Reduce Risk Of Advanced Prostate Cancer
2009/03/01 - AnnSurg – Omega 3 Helps Maintain Muscle in Cancer Patients
2009/03/01 - CBI – GLA Inhibits The Growth Of Tumor Cells
2009/03/01 - LHD – GLA Inhibits Tumor Growth
2009/02/10 - BrJC – Low Vitamin D Possible Risk Marker of Prostate Cancer
2009/02/01 - MNFR - Japanese men have less prostate cancer
2009/02/01 - IJC - Omega-3 And Saturated Fatty Acids In Relation To Risk Of Cancer
2009/02/01 - Harefuah - Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The Science And The Beliefs
2009/01/01 - WRND - Evolutionary Aspects of the Dietary n-6:n-3 FA Ratio: Medical Implications
2008/12/01 - JNB – Omega-3 FAs As Adjuvants To Chemotherapy
2008/10/08 - CanL - Rationale For Using Long-Chain N-3 Pufas In Cancer Prevention And Treatment
2008/05/01 - CEBP - Fish and LCPUFA From Fish Decrease Colorectal Cancer Risk
2008/04/04 - WJG – Omega-3 PUFA on Clinical Outcomes and Immunomodulations in Cancer
2008/04/03 - GN - Fish Oil And Treatment Of Cancer Cachexia
2008/01/21 - BrJC - Omega-3 May Provide Relief To Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy
2007/12/20 - AJE - EPA and DHA may provide different levels of protection for colorectal cancer.
2007/11/21 - WJS - Perioperative Immunonutrition for Patients with Esophageal Cancer
2007/11/15 - AJE - Fish Consumption, Omega-3 FA, and Colorectal Cancer
2007/08/13 - Carcinogenesis – Omega-3 FA May Help Protect Against Colorectal Cancer
2007/07/11 - CCC - FAs And Cancer Recurrence After Radical Prostatectomy
2007/07/01 - JCI – Omega FAs and Prostate Cancer Risk
2007/06/09 - AJCN - Vitamin D and Calcium Supplementation Reduces Cancer Risk
2007/01/01 - CMC – Omega-3 FAs and Cancer Prevention
2006/12/01 - AJEpi - Greater Omega-3 Intake Associated With Lower Risk For Lymphomas
2006/11/01 - CCA - Fish Oil Benefits Post Cancer Surgery Responses
2006/10/01 - CEBP – Omega-3 FA as Risk Markers of Colorectal Cancer
2006/09/01 - Nutrition – Omega-3 as Nutritional Adjuvants to Cancer Radiotherapy
2006/08/15 - PNAS - Impact of Omega-3 FAs on Melanoma Growth
2006/08/01 - CCR - Tumor Growth Rates, Volumes, & PSA Levels Reduced with Omega-3s
2006/04/04 - BMJ – Omega-3 Risks and Benefits for Mortality, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer
2006/02/01 - Neoplasia – Prostate Tumor Growth Modulated by Omega Ratio in Diet
2006/02/01 - CanR – Omega-6 FA Induces Gene Expression in Prostate Cancer
2006/01/01 - CDP – Omega-3 FA in Prevention of Skin Cancer
2006/01/01 - PBMB – Cardio- And Cancero-Protective Effects Use Common Pathways
2005/11/10 - IJC - Omega-3 PUFA Attenuate Breast Cancer Growth
2005/07/01 - BC - Dietary fatty acids and experimental carcinogenesis
2005/07/01 - BCRT – Omega-3 FAs and Breast Cancer Cells
2005/05/01 - CEBP – Chemopreventive Properties Of Omega-3 FA
2005/02/01 - ERTA - Effects of omega-3 fatty acids on cancer
2005/02/01 - NCP - Omega-3 FA Mechanisms And Abrogation Of Tumor-Related Syndromes
2005/01/01 - CCP – DHA Enhances The Effects Of Human 5-Fluorouracil
2004/12/12 - ANYAS – DHA Microalga Inhibits Cell Growth And Induces Apoptosis In Human Breast Carcinoma Cells
2004/12/12 - Cancer - Prostatic PUFA and Risk of Locally Advanced Prostate Carcinoma
2004/12/01 - JNut - Omega-3 FA and Cancer Therapy
2004/07/01 - AJCN – Omegas and the Risk of Prostate Cancer
2004/06/01 - ICT- Review discusses mechanisms for understanding benefits of fish oil in malignancy and cachexia
2004/06/01 - AJCN – Dietary LCPUFA for Prevention of Cancer
2004/05/04 - BrJC – High Omega-6 and Colon Cancer Risk
2004/04/01 - CN - Omega-3 PUFAs And Colon Cancer Prevention
2004/01/01 - JMF – Omega-3 FA in Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer
2003/11/03 - BrJC – Omegas and Breast Cancer: The Singapore Chinese Health Study
2003/10/10 - Gut - Net Gain Of Weight, Lean Tissue, And Improved Quality Of Life For Cancer Patients With Omega-3 Supplement
2003/05/01 - Carcinogenesis – EPA on UVR-related Cancer Risk in Humans
2002/11/11 - JNut - Multiple benefits of omega-3s regarding tumor growth, also improves quality of life
2002/11/01 - CCR - Benefits Of Omega-3, Reducing Risk In Breast Oncology, Found In Animal Study
2002/07/01 - BioP – PUFA and Eicosanoids in Human Health and Pathologies
2002/03/01 - IJC – Omega Fatty Acids in Breast Tissue and Relative Risk for Cancer
2002/01/01 - NutC – Omega-3 FAs Protective Effect From Breast Cancer
2001/06/15 - BioPharm - Omega-3 FAs Shown To Reduce Tumor Growth
2001/01/01 - CCP - Tumor And Metastasis Suppression By Fish Oil and Vitamins E /C
2000/04/04 - Cancer - Fish oil, Arginine, and Doxorubicin Chemotherapy on Dogs with Lymphoma
2000/04/04 - ClinS – Fish Oils and Response in Weight-Losing Pancreatic Cancer Patients
2000/03/01 - IJC – GLA on Oestrogen Receptor In Breast Cancer Patients
2000/01/01 - NC – Fat Intake and Risk of Skin Cancer
2000/01/01 - NutrC - Omega-3 FAs as Chemopreventive Agents
1999/09/01 - PharmT - Omega-3 Fatty Acids As Cancer Chemopreventive Agents
1998/02/13 - CanL - Omega-3 FA Significantly Decreases Tumor Growth and Its Metastasis
1998/01/01 - PLEFA - EFA Shown To Reverse Tumor Cell Drug Resistance, In Vitro
1997/08/06 - JNCI – Dietary Omega FA Ratios in Breast Cancer Patients
1997/01/01 - BJC – Iron and Fish Oil Diet and Breast Carcinomas in Mice
1995/07/07 - Onc - Healthful role of omega-3s regarding tumor growth, different from omega-6s
1995/04/19 - NCI - EPA And DHA Suggested To Inhibit Breast Cancer Cell Growth
1993/04/01 - PLEFA – Omega-3 FA Inhibit Metastasis
1990/11/11 - AntiR – Multidrug Resistance Gene Cells More Sensitive to GLA and EPA
1986/11/11 - JNCI - Differential Killing of Human Carcinoma Cells With Omega PUFA
1985/08/19 - PLM - Selective killing of human cancer cells by PUFA
-0001/11/30 - NRR - Omega-3 PUFA in Adjuvant Therapy of Cancer
-0001/11/30 - Gastroenterology - Exercise and Nutrition, Harnessing Immune System to Improve Colorectal Cancer Survival