2018/11/10 - |
NEJM - Cardiovascular Risk Reduction with EPA for Hypertriglyceridemia – REDUCE-IT |
2018/11/10 - |
NEJM - Vitamin D Supplements and Prevention of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease – VITAL study |
2018/10/21 - |
Nutrients – PUFAs Potential Therapeutic Role in Cardiovascular System Disorders |
2018/10/10 - |
RBMB - Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Serum Apelin Levels in Cardiovascular Disease |
2018/09/30 - |
CJPP - High Omega-3 FA Diet Results in Cardioprotection |
2018/08/07 - |
JACCHF - Omega-3s in Depressed Heart Failure Patients |
2018/07/07 - |
Hypertension - Omega-3 FA Concentrations Inversely Associated with Blood Pressure |
2018/07/07 - |
Nutrients - Omega-3 FAs and Cardiovascular Disease Risk |
2018/07/07 - |
CardiolY – Omega-3s for Premature Ventricular Contractions in Children |
2018/07/07 - |
FoodF - Science Behind the Cardio-Metabolic Benefits of Omega-3 PUFA |
2018/05/25 - |
LHD - Lowering the n-6/n-3 PUFAs Ratio Prevents Development of Atherosclerosis |
2018/05/17 - |
Circulation - AHA Advisory-Seafood LCPUFA Omega-3 and Cardiovascular Disease |
2018/04/04 - |
Fitoterapia - Marine Omega-3 FAin the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease-B |
2018/04/04 - |
PhysR - Omega-3 PUFA Reduce Blood Pressure in Healthy Older Adults |
2018/03/14 - |
AMS - Natural Approaches In Metabolic Syndrome Management |
2018/03/03 - |
JCL - Omega-3 FA Inversely Associated with Mortality and Incident CVD |
2018/03/03 - |
LHD - N-3 PUFA Improve Lipoprotein Particle Size and Concentration in Japanese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertriglyceridemia |
2018/03/03 - |
LHD - N-3 PUFA Improve Lipoprotein Particle Size and Concentration in Japanese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertriglyceridemia |
2017/12/01 - |
CTM - Significance of LCPUFA in Human Health |
2017/11/09 - |
PLoSO - Fish Oil Attenuates Oxidative Stress-Induced DNA Damage in Endothelial Cells |
2017/10/10 - |
Nutrients - Omega-3 Index and Anti-Arrhythmic Potential of Omega-3 PUFAs |
2017/10/10 - |
IHJ - Low Levels of EPA and DHA are Cardiogenic Syncope Risk Factors |
2017/10/06 - |
Nutrients - Omega-3 FA in Reverse Cholesterol Transport-A Review |
2017/08/08 - |
JAD – PUFA and Risk of Psychiatric Disorder after Acute Coronary Syndrome |
2017/08/02 - |
JCL- Omega-3 PUFA and Risk of Cardiac Death |
2017/06/24 - |
JCL - Omega-3 Index and Specialized Pro-Resolving Lipid Mediators in PAD Patients |
2017/06/15 - |
Circulation - Polyunsaturated Fats Lowers the Incidence of CVD
2017/06/06 - |
ActaC – Omega-3 Ratio for Reducing Residual Risks with Coronary Artery Disease |
2017/06/06 - |
JTIM - Is Aortic Aneurysm Preventable? |
2017/06/06 - |
ABC – PUFA to Metabolic Syndrome Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Lipoprotein |
2017/05/05 - |
PNS - LCPUFA for Coronary Heart Disease Prevention for Non-Fish-Eaters |
2017/05/05 - |
Atherosclerosis - Omega-3 Index and Relative Risk for CHD Mortality |
2017/04/26 - |
ClinE - Epigenetic Changes in Blood Leukocytes Following Omega-3 FAs |
2017/04/11 - |
Circulation – Fish Oil and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, AHA |
2017/04/07 - |
JCL - RBC Omega 3 Levels Associated With Reduced Risk For All-Cause Mortality |
2017/04/05 - |
Nutrients – Omega 3 PUFA Mortality in Renal Transplant Recipients |
2017/03/03 - |
JAMA - Diet and Mortality from Heart Disease, Stroke, and Type 2 Diabetes in US |
2017/03/03 - |
ClinC - Rationale and design of REDUCE-IT: Omega-3 Reduction of Cardiovascular Events Trial |
2017/02/28 - |
PhyR - Cardiovascular Diseases, Depression Disorders, and Omega-3 FA Effects |
2017/02/02 - |
Atherosclerosis - Inflammatory Gene Expression after EPA vs. DHA |
2017/02/02 - |
PLoSO – Omega-3 PUFA Intake and Fish Consumption in Children and Adolescents |
2017/02/02 - |
IJC – Benefits of EPA Plus Statin after Acute Coronary Syndrome |
2017/02/02 - |
NutrR – Marine Omega-3 PUFAs and Blood Pressure Control |
2017/01/31 - |
MCP - Omega-3 FA and Coronary Heart Disease Risk |
2017/01/26 - |
PLEFA - Low Omega-3 LCFA Status in Middle-Aged Women |
2017/01/25 - |
PLEFA – Low Omega-3s in Middle-Aged Women Related to Increased CVD Risk |
2017/01/01 - |
MCP – EPA and DHA and Coronary Heart Disease Risk |
2017/01/01 - |
JCL – PUFA and Aging-Related Arterial Stiffness in Overweight Subjects 50+ Years |
2016/12/12 - |
NMCD – Omega-3s Improve Large Arterial Elasticity and Arterial Blood Pressure |
2016/12/12 - |
JCL – PUFA and Aging-Related Arterial Stiffness in Overweight Subjects
2016/12/12 - |
LHD - Cardiac Autonomic and Hemodynamic Function of Omega-3 with Arthritis
2016/12/12 - |
Nutrients - Omega-3 PUFA in Heart Failure, A Meta-Analysis |
2016/12/12 - |
JCF – EPA-AA Ratio and Mortality in Heart Failure Patients |
2016/12/12 - |
IJFSN - Blood Pressure-Lowering Effects with Fish Oil and Microencapsulated Powder |
2016/11/11 - |
IJKD - Omega-3s as Biomarkers, Inflammatory Agents, and Quality of Life Measures |
2016/11/11 - |
PLoSO – Omega-3 and Omega-6 and Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents |
2016/09/09 - |
NMCD – Omega-3s on Arterial Elasticity while Taking Statins |
2016/09/09 - |
Athero - Omega-3 FAs and Mortality in Coronary Angiography Referred Patients |
2016/09/09 - |
JCEM - Increased Metabolites of EPA Cardioprotective |
2016/08/08 - |
AJCN – EPA or DHA to Reduce Inflammation Markers in Men and Women |
2016/08/02 - |
Circulation - Omega-3s After Acute Myocardial Infarction |
2016/07/07 - |
PhysR – Omega-3s Attenuate Blood Pressure Increase |
2016/07/07 - |
BJN - Fish Consumption and Intake of Marine Omega-3 PUFA with
Myocardial Infarctionin
2016/07/07 - |
BMCCD – DHA-AA Ratio and Acute Coronary Syndrome |
2016/07/07 - |
PLEFA - People with Schizophrenia and Depression Have a Low Omega-3 Index |
2016/06/27 - |
JAMAIM – Omega-3 PUFA Biomarkers and Coronary Heart Disease |
2016/06/06 - |
JNB – Omega-6:Omega3 Ratio Important in addition to DHA/EPA ratio |
2016/05/05 - |
WSYJ - Different Omega-6:3 Ratios on Cardiovascular Risk Factors |
2016/04/28 - |
PLEFA - Conducting Omega-3 Clinical Trials with Cardiovascular Outcomes |
2016/04/04 - |
FASEB – DHA More Potent than EPA in Attenuating Cardiometabolic Risk |
2016/03/10 - |
NutrR - Omega-3 FA, Folic Acid and B-group Vitamins Combined for Lowering Homocysteine |
2016/01/27 - |
JNut – Dietary Omegas Reduce Blood Pressure in Adults with Hypertension
2016/01/08 - |
CRFSN - Anti-inflammatory Omegas in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases |
2016/01/01 - |
Lipids - Low Omega-6:3 PUFA ratios Exert Beneficial Cardiovascular Effects |
2015/12/02 - |
JNRB - Omega-3 FAs on Arterial Stiffness In Patients with Hypertension |
2015/10/10 - |
APJCN - Vitamin B-12 and Fish Oil’s Synergistic Effect on Lowering Homocysteine |
2015/08/25 - |
JAHA – Fish Oil Improved Triglycerides and Increased Omega-3 Mediators in PAD Patients |
2015/07/07 - |
JPEN - Omega-3 Fatty Acids Protective in Lipopolysaccharide-Mediated Sepsis |
2015/03/16 - |
ACC – Effect of Omega-3 FA after Heart Attack |
2015/03/03 - |
EJPC - Omega-3 FA and Cardiovascular Death |
2015/03/03 - |
JPEN – Fish Oil and Critically Ill Patients with Sepsis |
2015/02/16 - |
MarD - Fish Oil in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus |
2015/02/07 - |
CBB – Omega-3 FA in Cardiovascular Disease |
2015/01/01 - |
ERMPS - Omega-3 FA and Cardiovascular Disease |
2015/01/01 - |
JVS - Beyond "Heart-Healthy Diet" for Peripheral Arterial Disease |
2014/11/27 - |
CBB – Omega-3 FA and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease |
2014/11/01 - |
AJCN - Fish-oil Alters Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Microparticles |
2014/10/22 - |
JAHA – Trends in Fatty Acid Intake, 1980-2009 |
2014/10/10 - |
Circulation - Circulating Omega-6 PUFA And Total and Cause-Specific Mortality |
2014/09/30 - |
CCRR - Omega-3s for Reducing Impact of Air Pollution on CVD Risk |
2014/09/10 - |
AJCN –Beneficial Modification to Endothelial Cells with Omega-3s |
2014/09/09 - |
ATHM - Multi-Ingredient Supplement to Manage Elevated Blood Lipids |
2014/09/09 - |
ARS - Fish Oil’s Antioxidant Capacity and Mitochondrial FA Oxidation |
2014/08/25 - |
AIDS RHR – Omega-3s Significantly Lowered Triglycerides in Hypertriglyceridemic HIV-Positive Patients |
2014/07/28 - |
JEM - Omega-3 Metabolite Prevents Pressure Overload-Induced Maladaptive Cardiac Remodeling |
2014/07/21 - |
Hypertension – Effects of Probiotics on Blood Pressure |
2014/06/21 - |
LHD - Efficacy of Manufacturers' Omega-3 FA Recommendations for CVD Risk Reduction |
2014/06/13 - |
NMCD - Omega-3 FA and Genetic Risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome |
2014/06/03 - |
JNut - Fish plus Fish Oil Intake May Slash Venous Thromboembolism Risk |
2014/05/17 - |
LHD – Herring Roe Phospholipids Improve Plasma Lipids And Glucose Tolerance |
2014/04/15 - |
NutJ – Omega-3 Supplementation Advised for U.S. Adults & Children |
2014/03/27 - |
Athero - Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease |
2014/03/26 - |
MedI - Probiotic and Omega-3 on Lipid Profile, Insulin Sensitivity, Inflammatory Markers, and Gut Colonization |
2014/03/26 - |
ZWZBJJYX – O-3 in Parenteral Nutrition and Patients with Sepsis |
2014/03/06 - |
AJH - EPA+DHA Reduces Systolic Blood Pressure, Meta Analysis |
2014/03/03 - |
PJMS - Omega-3 and Omega-9 FA on Inflammatory Markers In Septic Patients |
2014/02/28 - |
Athero – Omega 3 LCFA Intake Inversely and Independently Associated with Risk of Total CVD Mortality |
2014/02/15 - |
PLoSO - Omega-3 PUFA Effects on CRP, IL-6 and TNF-α Level |
2014/01/21 - |
Circulation - Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics--2014 |
2014/01/15 - |
PLEFA - DHA Protects Against Myocardial Infarction |
2013/12/25 - |
NMCD - Omega-3 FA on Major Cardiovascular Events and Mortality |
2013/12/16 - |
EJPC – Association Between Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Death |
2013/12/15 - |
Heart - Omega-3 LCPUFAs and Difference of CAC Between Japanese and White Men. |
2013/12/15 - |
FrontN – Omega-3, Sleep Apnea and Inflammation: Review |
2013/11/22 - |
JAT - EPA/AA Ratio Associated with Improved Arterial Stiffness |
2013/10/15 - |
JACC – Omega-3 FA plus Antioxidant to Prevent Atrial Fibrillation |
2013/10/01 - |
VasM - Design and Methods of the OMEGA-PAD Trial |
2013/09/17 - |
Nutrients - Nutritional Recommendations for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention |
2013/09/15 - |
JNut - Physical Activity to Unmask Salutary Effects of Omega-3 FA |
2013/09/09 - |
JAT – EPA Reduces Cardiovascular Events |
2013/08/17 - |
AtheroS - Omega-3 FAs for Cardiovascular Disease Patients |
2013/06/06 - |
IJC – Omega-3 PUFAs Improved Endothelial Function in Healthy Smokers |
2013/05/15 - |
IJEM - Effect Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids In The Cardiovascular System |
2013/05/06 - |
BRI - Omega-3 PUFAs Cardioprotective in Chronic Kidney Disease |
2013/05/05 - |
Hypertension – Omega-3 FAs Reduce Blood Pressure in Those with Impaired Fetal Growth |
2013/04/16 - |
PsyM - Improved Autonomic Tone with Omega 3 LCPUFA |
2013/04/15 - |
COL – REVIEW: Omega-3 FA: Mechanisms Underlying 'Protective Effects' in Atherosclerosis |
2013/04/15 - |
JNut - Omega-3s for Clot Prevention: EPA for Men, DHA for Women |
2013/04/09 - |
Athero – Tissue Arachidonic Acid Associated with Myocardial Infarction Risk |
2013/04/04 - |
JNut – Omega-3 Supplementation Improves Artery Elasticity |
2013/04/04 - |
JNutr – Omega-3s Increases Artery Elasticity in Obese Adults |
2013/04/02 - |
AIM – Omega-3 FAs and Total and Cause-Specific Mortality in Older Adults |
2013/04/01 - |
AJPhys - Health Benefits Regarding Neural Cardiovascular Control with Fish Oil |
2013/03/20 - |
AJCN - Effects Of Fish-Oil on Heart Rate Variability |
2013/03/04 - |
PNAS – Omega-3 FA Triglycerides Lower Blood Pressure |
2013/03/03 - |
COCNMC - Are Omega-3 FA Still Cardioprotective? |
2013/02/06 - |
KInt – Omega-3 Cardio Benefits for Patients Starting Hemodialysis |
2013/02/02 - |
AHJ - Higher EPA Linked to Lower Cardiovascular Mortality |
2013/01/28 - |
ClinS – Omega-3 FAs Decrease Plasma VLDL-TG Concentration |
2013/01/15 - |
ArqN - Omega-3 and Prevention of Sudden Unexpected Death In Epilepsy |
2013/01/09 - |
AJCN - Omega-3 FA and Slower Increase in Carotid Intima-Media Thickness |
2013/01/04 - |
BMCM – Statins Appear to Inhibit Omega-3s |
2013/01/01 - |
JNB – Omega-3 PUFA Supplementation Exerts Cardioprotective Effects |
2012/12/12 - |
PLoSO - Mercury Cuts benefits of Omega-3s In SCD |
2012/12/12 - |
ABM - High-Dose Omega-3 FA Reduce Heart Rate and Blood Pressure |
2012/12/03 - |
EndJ – Highly Purified EPA Improves Vascular Function |
2012/12/01 - |
JLR - Omega-3 FA Supplementation and Cardiovascular Disease: Review |
2012/12/01 - |
AJE - Fish Oils to Reduce Burden of Inflammation-Related Diseases |
2012/11/22 - |
NutJ – Omega-3 on Cognitive Metabolic Improvement in Elders |
2012/11/05 - |
JAMA – Omega-3s and Atrial Fibrillation |
2012/10/30 - |
BMJ – Fish, Omega-3, and Cerebrovascular Disease Risk |
2012/10/30 - |
FroP - Reduction of Heart Rate by omega-3 FA and Potential Underlying Mechanisms |
2012/10/17 - |
AJCN - ALA and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease |
2012/10/13 - |
JLR - Fish Oil Improves Women’s Heart Health |
2012/10/10 - |
AJCN – Myocardial Infarction in Relation to Mercury and Fish FA |
2012/09/24 - |
AJCN - Dietary Fat Quality And Risk Of Sudden Cardiac Death In Women |
2012/09/20 - |
CTR - Role of Omega-3 PUFAs on Vascular Endothelial Wound Repair |
2012/09/12 - |
JAMA - Omega-3 FA Supplementation and Risk of Major CVD Events |
2012/08/31 - |
BMCCAM - DHA Inhibiting Inflammatory PGE2 |
2012/08/29 - |
LHD – Fish Oil Provides Significant Differences In Gene Expression |
2012/08/23 - |
AJPHCP - Fish Oil and Neurovascular Control in Humans |
2012/07/07 - |
FRBM - Fish oil and Vascular Endothelial, Cardiovascular Protection |
2012/06/11 - |
NEJM – Omega-3 FA and Cardiovascular Outcomes re Dysglycemia |
2012/06/06 - |
CJC – Efficacy and Safety of Omega-3 FA for Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation |
2012/06/06 - |
Kardio – Omega-3 PUFAs on Predictors Of Sudden Cardiac Death |
2012/06/06 - |
BJN - EPA and DHA Benefits for Metabolic Syndrome Patients - Review |
2012/06/01 - |
CirJ – Omega-6:3 Ratio and Cardiac Events with PCI |
2012/05/25 - |
NutM - Antioxidative and Potential Cardioprotective Effects of n-3 PUFAs |
2012/05/23 - |
JCTR - Omega-3 PUFAS with Chronic Heart Failure And Major Depressive Disorder |
2012/05/21 - |
BMCM- Omega-3s to Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases and Cancers |
2012/05/04 - |
COC - Omega-3 FA Did Reduce CVD Events |
2012/04/12 - |
AJCN - Omega-3 PUFA for Preventing Atherosclerosis |
2012/04/04 - |
Athero - Omega-3 FAs Significantly Improves The Endothelial Function |
2012/04/04 - |
FroP – Omega-3 PUFAs on Cardiac Rhythm Depends on Underlying Conditions
2012/03/27 - |
LHD – Omega-3 Index > 11% in Non Smokers Associated with Cardioprotection |
2012/03/15 - |
IJIR - Lifestyle and Metabolic Approaches For Erectile And Vascular Health |
2012/03/06 - |
Circ – Omega-3 FA for Primary Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation |
2012/03/03 - |
JNut – EPA and-or DHA for Cardiovascular Health |
2012/02/01 - |
EHJ - Effects of Omega-3 FA on Major Cardiovascular Events
2012/01/31 - |
PML - Supplementation Of Omega-3 PUFA In Pulmonary Disease |
2012/01/15 - |
BioP – LCPUFA Reduces Cardiovascular Reactivity to Mental Stress |
2012/01/15 - |
AdvN - EPA and DHA: Health Benefits Throughout Life |
2012/01/15 - |
Hypertension - Fish, Omega-3 FA, and CVD in Women of Reproductive Age |
2012/01/15 - |
CJPP - Differential Reduction of Omega-3 and Omega-6 HUFA by Structural Heart Disease |
2012/01/01 - |
CCT - Vitamin D And Omega-3 (VITAL) For Cancer And CVD Prevention |
2012/01/01 - |
PosB – Omega-3 PUFA as Modulators of Intracellular Signaling Pathways |
2012/01/01 - |
NutrR – Quantity AND Quality of Fats Benefit Cardio Health |
2012/01/01 - |
PLEFA – Omega-3s Modify Oleic Membrane Fatty Acid |
2012/01/01 - |
JAT - Effect of Highly Purified EPA on Risk of Coronary Artery Disease |
2012/01/01 - |
CircJ - Low PUFA Associated With Worse Heart Failure-Free Survival |
2012/01/01 - |
CPD – Omega-3 FA for Cardiovascular AND Rheumatoid Arthritis Risk Reductions |
2011/12/22 - |
MedH - Omega-3 FAs For Managing Overweight And Obesity |
2011/12/19 - |
CAR - Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010: Implications For Cardiovascular Disease |
2011/12/12 - |
Atheros – EPA Attenuates Inflammation Suppressing Cardiovascular Risk |
2011/12/03 - |
ClinL - Omega-3 FAs Reduce Serum C-reactive Protein Concentration |
2011/11/16 - |
FronP – Omega-3 PUFA and Heart Rate Variability |
2011/11/11 - |
MedI – Omega-3s - Nutritional and Metabolic Support in the Critically-Ill |
2011/11/08 - |
JACC – Omega-3 FA and Cardiovascular Disease – Harvard Recommends |
2011/11/03 - |
Prescribe Omega-3 in Chronic Heart Failure? |
2011/10/21 - |
Athero – Diet Supplemented with LCPUFA Reduces Risk Of Metabolic Syndrome |
2011/10/09 - |
EBCAM - Treatment Of RA With Combination Of Marine & Botanical Oils |
2011/10/01 - |
AJCN – ALA, LA and Omega-3 LCPUFA and Risk of Heart Disease |
2011/09/20 - |
ThrH – Omega-3 PUFAs Benefit Advanced Chronic Heart Failure Patients |
2011/09/15 - |
NMCD – Fish Oil Effects On Lipid Profile |
2011/09/01 - |
EMIDDT – Omega-3 LCPUFA Improve Heart Health Parameters |
2011/08/31 - |
ATVB – ALA Impairs Arterial Thrombus Formation, TF Expression and Platelet Activation |
2011/08/15 - |
AJC - The Link Between Erectile and Cardiovascular Health |
2011/08/02 - |
AIM - Omega-3 FA and Congestive Heart Failure in Older Adults |
2011/07/23 - |
EJCN – Omega-3 FA For Reduction Of Obesity-Related Disease Risk |
2011/07/15 - |
AdvN – Omega-3 FA Alleviate Adipose Tissue Inflammation and Insulin Resistance
2011/07/07 - |
LifS - EPA Reduces The Pulmonary Vein Arrhythmias |
2011/06/23 - |
NEJM – Updated AHA Omega-3 Recommendations |
2011/06/09 - |
CriC - Enteral Nutrition with EPA, GLA, and Antioxidants |
2011/05/31 - |
BJN - Low V. Moderate Omega- 3 LCFA Intakes & Risk of Heart Disease |
2011/05/25 - |
ANZJP – The Relationship between MDD and CHD |
2011/05/24 - |
Circ - Triglycerides & Cardiovascular Disease: AHA Scientific Statement |
2011/05/16 - |
ATVB - Reduced Thrombin Formation with Omega-3s |
2011/05/13 - |
PLEFA –Consume More Omega-3 PUFA For Optimal Health |
2011/05/01 - |
PLEFA – AA Derived PGE(2) Stimulates Cardiac Fibroblast Proliferation |
2011/04/16 - |
Nutrition - High Omega-3 Consumption Decreases Heart Disease Risk Factor |
2011/04/04 - |
JNN - Nutrigenetic Disruption of Inflammation-Resolution Homeostasis and Atherogenesis |
2011/03/24 - |
NEJM – Mercury and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in US |
2011/03/22 - |
CPD - Beyond LDL – Life Style Modifications and Omega-3s for Hypertriglyceridemia |
2011/03/22 - |
EODS – Safety Review Of Combination Drugs For Hyperlipidemia |
2011/03/15 - |
ACC - Fish Consumption Inversely Associated With Ischemic Stroke |
2011/03/01 - |
AnP - Dietary Fats And Cardiovascular Health |
2011/03/01 - |
CJPP –Omega-6/3 PUFA Ratio Effects After Heart Attack |
2011/03/01 - |
AnP – Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Health |
2011/02/15 - |
JACC – Omega-3 PUFAs Increase Heart Functions |
2011/02/15 - |
Circ - Omega-3 FA Prevent Cardiac Fibrosis And Cardiac Dysfunction |
2011/02/02 - |
JN – Maternal DHA Content During Pregnancy and Lactation |
2011/02/01 - |
AJCN - Omega-3 And Soy Help Reduce Arterial Stiffness |
2011/02/01 - |
JNut – Algal DHA Provides Beneficial Changes In Cardiometabolic Risk Markers |
2011/01/25 - |
BBA - Fish oil - How does it reduce plasma triglycerides? |
2011/01/10 - |
HeartR – Fish Oil May Attenuate Atrial Mechanical Stunning |
2011/01/01 - |
AJCN - A Protective Effect Of Fish Consumption/No Harmful Effect of Mercury |
2011/01/01 - |
JAT - EPA Concentration and EPA/AA Ratio As Biomarkers Of CAD |
2010/12/15 - |
AJCN - High Dose Of EPA+DHA Significantly Lowered Triglycerides |
2010/12/10 - |
HeartR – Omega-3 on Human Atrial Electophysiology |
2010/12/01 - |
BJN – Increased Omega-6 FAs May Increase Risks Of CHD And Death |
2010/12/01 - |
CJC – Unsaturated FA Diet Benefits Cardiovascular Parameters |
2010/11/01 - |
LHD - PUFAs For Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease Conditions |
2010/10/10 - |
ClinN – Omega-3 LCPUFA Reduced Postprandial Measures of Arterial Stiffness |
2010/09/29 - |
Atherosclerosis – EPA and Decreased Plaque Inflammation and Increased Stability |
2010/09/15 - |
FRR - EPA and DHA Reduce Oxidant Stress |
2010/09/01 - |
JNB - Mechanisms Underlying Omega-3 PUFA Cardioprotective Effects |
2010/09/01 - |
J Pediatr. – Fish Oil Improves Cardio Measures |
2010/09/01 - |
CardR – Fish Oil for the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease |
2010/08/30 - |
ThrH – Omega-3 FA Cardioprotective Strategies |
2010/08/01 - |
CTOCM - Omega-3 Fatty Acids For Cardiovascular Disease Prevention |
2010/07/09 - |
CDT - Omega-3 Plant Sterol Esters in Mixed Hyperlipidemic Subjects |
2010/07/07 - |
AJCN – Omega-3 and Omega-6 PUFA Interacts with FADS1 to Affect Cholesterol |
2010/06/15 - |
BLL – PUFA: Heart Disease, Cancer, Immune Resistance and Mental Depression |
2010/05/25 - |
FS – Omega-3 FAs and Erectile Function and Vascular Health |
2010/05/01 - |
AJCN – Marine Omega-3 FA and Coronary Calcification Study |
2010/05/01 - |
AFP – Diet And Exercise In The Management Of Hyperlipidemia |
2010/04/20 - |
JACC - Effects Of PUFAs On Responsiveness To Dual Antiplatelet Therapy |
2010/04/10 - |
EJCPR – PUFAs and All-Cause Mortality in Men at High CV Risk |
2010/04/04 - |
IJVNR - Protection From a Rise in Triglycerides with Omega-3 FAs |
2010/03/24 - |
JN - Omega-3 FAs Show Heart Benefits For Non-Fish Eaters |
2010/03/24 - |
EJCN – Omega-3s Reduce Heart Failure in Women |
2010/03/23 - |
PLoSM – Consuming PUFA in Place of SFA Reduces CHD Events |
2010/03/01 - |
CN - PUFA Meal Reduced Arterial Stiffness |
2010/03/01 - |
CN – Omega-3 PUFA Reduced Arterial Stiffness |
2010/02/25 - |
CMB –Omega-3 FAs and Circulating Levels Of Soluble Adhesion Molecules |
2010/02/25 - |
CMB – Omega-3 FAs, Cardiovascular Disease and Atherosclerotic Plaques |
2010/02/02 - |
CMB – Omega-3 FA, Inflammation and Angiogenesis |
2010/02/02 - |
Atherosclerosis - DHA Protects Low-Density Lipoproteins From Oxidation |
2010/01/19 - |
JAMA - Omega-3 FA and Biological Aging Marker |
2010/01/01 - |
BJN – Fish Oil-Induced Improvements in Arterial Function and Heart Rate |
2010/01/01 - |
JNE – Fish Oil Supplements Benefit Older Adults |
2010/01/01 - |
ANM – Hypertriglyceridemia Successfully Treated With Omega-3 Rich Diet |
2009/12/16 - |
NRC - Omega-3 fatty acids: Cardiovascular Benefits, Sources and Sustainability |
2009/12/08 - |
Circ - PUFA And Risk Of Atrial Fibrillation In Men |
2009/12/01 - |
JNN – PUFAs, Cardiovascular Disease, and Nutrigenetics |
2009/12/01 - |
NRR - Functional Foods For Dyslipidaemia And Cardiovascular Risk Prevention |
2009/12/01 - |
CirJ – PUFA Predictor of All-Cause Mortality with Heart Attack |
2009/12/01 - |
Lipids - N-3 PUFA As Regulators Of Cardiac Gene Transcription |
2009/11/16 - |
DOM – Omega-3 FAs Improve Lipid Metabolism |
2009/11/05 - |
AJH - Dietary Protein Level and Omega-3 FAs Deficiency Induce Hypertension |
2009/11/01 - |
IPE – Omega-3 FAs Reduced Atrial Fibrillation Recurrence |
2009/11/01 - |
JIMR – Omega-3 FAs As A Novel Therapy for Heart Failure |
2009/11/01 - |
CAR – Omega-3 FA and Heart Failure |
2009/10/21 - |
JAMA – Omega-3 in Treatment of Depression in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease |
2009/10/15 - |
AJC - Fish Oil May Reduce Risk of Bleeding in Patients With CAD |
2009/10/14 - |
BJN – Omega-3 FAs And The Risk Of Acute Coronary Syndrome |
2009/10/01 - |
NR – Cardiac Mortality Associated With Low Omega EFAs |
2009/10/01 - |
CR - Omega-3 PUFAs For The Treatment Of Heart Failure |
2009/09/16 - |
AJT - Utility of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Cardiovascular Disease |
2009/09/04 - |
VP – Low Omega-3s Observed in Carotid Plaques |
2009/09/01 - |
FASEB - DHA Pin-Pointed For Optimal Heart Benefits |
2009/09/01 - |
JHyp- Omega3 FAs Reduce Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, and Triglycerides |
2009/09/01 - |
CJASN – Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Disease |
2009/09/01 - |
Hypertension - Cardioprotective Effects Of Fish Oils Absent With A High Fat Diet |
2009/08/21 - |
IJC – Fish Consumption Associated with Lower Risk of Heart Attack |
2009/08/15 - |
AFP - Dietary fatty acids |
2009/08/11 - |
JACC - Omega-3 FAs for Cardiovascular Protection |
2009/08/01 - |
PLEFA – DHA and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors |
2009/08/01 - |
TCS – Omega-3 FAs prevent atrial fibrillation PostOp |
2009/08/01 - |
NCP - Fish Oil Supplementation Lowers C-Reactive in Kidney Patients |
2009/08/01 - |
PLEFA - Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Treatment |
2009/07/21 - |
JCEM - Omega-3 FAs Decrease Liver Fat Content |
2009/07/15 - |
CliC - Omega-3 Dietary Supplements and Risk of Cardiovascular Events |
2009/07/07 - |
JSMS - DHA-Rich Fish Oil Improved CV Function and Reduced Risk Factors |
2009/07/07 - |
Circulation – EPA Effects on Cardiovascular Events in Statin-Treated Patients |
2009/07/01 - |
Atherosclerosis - Omega-3 Fatty Acids improve postprandial lipaemia in patients with nephrotic range proteinuria |
2009/07/01 - |
AJCN - Omega PUFAs Inversely Associated With Triglycerides In Middle-Aged Men |
2009/07/01 - |
AJMS - Vitamin D Deficiency And Risk For Cardiovascular Disease |
2009/07/01 - |
CVP - Vitamin D And Cardiovascular Disease |
2009/07/01 - |
AJT - Lipid Management, Omega-3 FAs, And Vitamin D For Coronary Disease Prevention |
2009/07/01 - |
ERCT – Omega-3 Beneficial Advantage In Patients With Heart Failure |
2009/07/01 - |
PLEFA - Inhibition of platelet aggregation by omega-3 FAs is gender specific
2009/07/01 - |
CAR – Planning Primary Prevention of Coronary Disease |
2009/06/22 - |
JAGS – Vitamin D Decreases CVD and Risk of Dying |
2009/06/01 - |
Athero - Anti-inflammatory and Cardioprotective Effects of Omega-3 FAs |
2009/06/01 - |
ActaC – Omega-3 FAs Improve Cardiovascular Risk Profile |
2009/05/30 - |
Nutrition - Moderate Fish Consumption Reduces Blood Pressure |
2009/05/26 - |
IJFSN - Beneficial Effects Of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation During Endurance Exercise |
2009/05/06 - |
PLoS – Red Blood Cell FA Patterns And Acute Coronary Syndrome |
2009/05/05 - |
Athero - Low Omega 6:3 Ratio Reduces CVD Risk and Inflammatory Response |
2009/05/04 - |
Hypertension – Omega-3 LCPUFAs as Arterial Stiffness and Mortality Predictors
2009/05/01 - |
AJMS - Insuffieient Vitamin D And Dilated Cardiomyopathy |
2009/05/01 - |
AJCN – Omega-3 FAs Consumption And Reduced Risk Of Ventricular Arrhythmias |
2009/05/01 - |
NR - Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Physical Activity, & Omega-3 Index In Overweight/Obese Adults |
2009/05/01 - |
JN – ALA, EPA and DHA Have Differential Effects on LDL FA Composition
2009/04/21 - |
EHJ - Omega-3s and Heart Failure |
2009/04/08 - |
EJCN – Omega-3 Fatty Acid A Surrogate Marker Of CVD Risk |
2009/04/01 - |
ATVB – Omega-3 Rich Diets Decrease Arterial Total LDL Delivery |
2009/04/01 - |
JN - Omega-3 DRI For Heart Benefits |
2009/04/01 - |
CCJM - What can we expect from omega-3 fatty acids? |
2009/03/15 - |
BioPharm - PUFAs: From Biochemistry To Clinical Implications In Cardiovascular Prevention |
2009/02/18 - |
PP – Omega-3 FA and Depressive Symptoms Among Coronary Disease Patients |
2009/02/17 - |
Circ – Omega-6 FA and Risk for Cardiovascular Disease |
2009/02/17 - |
Circulation – Omega-6 FAs and Risk for Cardiovascular Disease: Science Advisory |
2009/02/10 - |
Angiology – Omega-3 FA Benefits and Cardiovascular Mortality |
2009/02/02 - |
CPD - PUFA in Treatment of Dyslipidemias |
2009/02/02 - |
NEL - Why Chronic Fatigue Syndrome May Kill You |
2009/02/01 - |
Harefuah - Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The Science And The Beliefs |
2009/02/01 - |
COL - Impact Of Omega-3 On Cardiovascular Disease In Type 2 Diabetes |
2009/02/01 - |
BMJ – Change in HDL Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease Morbidity and Mortality |
2009/01/15 - |
AnnM - Omega-3 FA Reduces Incidence Of Sudden Cardiac Death |
2009/01/01 - |
SPH - Study to Evaluate Impact of Pure Fish Oil Among Pro Football Players |
2009/01/01 - |
PR – Omega-3 FA and Cardiovascular Disease Risk |
2009/01/01 - |
BJN - Acute consumption of fish oil improves vLDL cholesterol |
2009/01/01 - |
VHRM – Omega-3 FAs Necessary for Secondary Prevention |
2009/01/01 - |
NutH - Fish Oil And The Management Of Hypertriglyceridemia |
2009/01/01 - |
PhyR - Omega-FA and Cardiovascular Disease Risk |
2009/01/01 - |
ERMPS – Omega-3 Benefits on CVD Risks in Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertriglyceridemia |
2008/12/01 - |
CAR - Omega-3 FAs Associated with Reduced Risk for Death |
2008/12/01 - |
BMJ - Effect Of Fish Oil On Arrhythmias And Mortality |
2008/11/15 - |
PLEFA – DHA and Cognitive Function - Review |
2008/11/01 - |
BJN – DHA Improves Heart Rate |
2008/10/22 - |
FASEB - Inflammation reduced by fish oils |
2008/10/15 - |
LHD – EFAs, As Beneficial As The Combined Use Of Some Heart Drugs |
2008/10/04 - |
Lancet - Omega 3 reduces mortality in heart failure |
2008/10/01 - |
JADA - Effects of Fish Oil As Biomarkers of Coronary Artery Disease Risk |
2008/10/01 - |
PsychoM - Low Omega-3s & Depression in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients |
2008/10/01 - |
AJCN – Omega-3 FA and Fish in Subclinical Atherosclerosis |
2008/10/01 - |
EurJAP – Omega-3 FA Can Increase Oxygen Delivery During Exercise |
2008/09/01 - |
Athero – EPA on Coronary Artery Disease in Hypercholesterolemic Patients |
2008/08/20 - |
CMJ - Benefits of Omega-3’s and Red Yeast Rice on Cardiovascular Health |
2008/08/14 - |
SORD - Vitamin D Supplementation May Benefit Post Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery |
2008/08/05 - |
JACC – Omega-3 FA and Atherosclerosis: a Cross-Sectional Study |
2008/07/01 - |
MCP – Lifestyle changes, red yeast rice, fish oil reduced LDL-C similar to statins. |
2008/07/01 - |
JNB – Omeaga-3 FAs Support Cardiovascular Health |
2008/07/01 - |
Stroke – Reduction in Recurrence of Stroke by EPA |
2008/06/16 - |
AJCN - The Omega-3 Index a Risk Factor for Coronary Heart Disease |
2008/06/15 - |
JNut - Fish Oil and Linoleic Acid Lowers Plasma Triacylglycerols |
2008/06/06 - |
AJCN – Omega-3 FA in Treatment of Hypertriglyceridemia and CVD
2008/06/01 - |
AJCN – fish, fish oil, smoking cessation, and exercise for prevention of CHD |
2008/06/01 - |
AJCN - Fish Oil FAs Benefit Coronary Heart Disease |
2008/05/01 - |
BJN – DHA As An Indicator of Cardiovascular Health Status |
2008/04/24 - |
Circ - Dietary Fish Reduces Risk Of Cardiac Death |
2008/04/11 - |
AJC – Fish oil supplementation increases heart health |
2008/04/01 - |
Atherosclerosis – Low Omega-3s Are Risk factors for Acute Coronary Syndrome |
2008/03/03 - |
Atheros - Omega-3 FA and Coronary Heart Disease Risk |
2008/03/01 - |
MCP - Omega-3 FA For Cardioprotection |
2008/02/20 - |
LV - Omega-3 Significant Secondary Prevention In Heart Patients |
2008/02/05 - |
CS - Fish Oil Improves Heart Function In Healthy Men |
2008/02/02 - |
NMCD - Non-pharmacological Control of Plasma Cholesterol Levels |
2008/02/01 - |
JADA - Dietary Prevention And Treatment Of Cardiovascular Disease |
2008/02/01 - |
JN – EPA Changes Vascular Tone |
2008/01/22 - |
JACC – Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Prevention of Heart Disease and Diabetes |
2008/01/15 - |
CMAJ - Use of Fish Oil in ICD Patients Warrants Caution |
2008/01/01 - |
Lipids - Omega-3 HUFA Score |
2008/01/01 - |
AHJ – ORIGIN Trial / Cardiovascular Risk Factors |
2008/01/01 - |
CVP - Fish Oil Fatty Acids As Cardiovascular Drugs |
2007/12/01 - |
CHF - Fish Oil Improves Left Ventricular Function In Children |
2007/10/03 - |
EJCN - Fish Oil Supplementation Improves Large Arterial Elasticity |
2007/09/29 - |
ATVB – EPA’s Benefits in Obesity-Related Metabolic Pathology |
2007/09/01 - |
JCM – Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death with Omega-3’s |
2007/08/08 - |
AJC – Omega-3s and Trans Fats as Risk Factors for Acute Coronary Syndrome |
2007/08/01 - |
AJCN – DHA Improves Lipid Profiles |
2007/08/01 - |
Hypert - Foods Containing Omega-3s Help To Lower Blood Pressure |
2007/08/01 - |
Metabolism. - Fish Consumption And Atherosclerosis In Middle-Aged Men |
2007/05/15 - |
AJCN – Fish Oil/Exercise Improve Body Composition and Risk Factors |
2007/05/05 - |
CMRO – Differentiating Between Prescription and Dietary Omega-3 FA |
2007/05/01 - |
JE - Dietary Intake Of Fatty Acids And Serum C-Reactive Protein |
2007/05/01 - |
AJCN - Fish Consumption Protects Against Arrhythmia/ ATTICA Study |
2007/04/10 - |
CMAJ - Hypertriglyceridemia: Its Etiology, Effects And Treatment |
2007/04/01 - |
JN – DHA Lowers Diastolic Blood Pressure |
2007/03/31 - |
Lancet – EPA and Major Coronary Events (JELIS) |
2007/03/01 - |
PRes - A New Biomarker For Heart Risk |
2007/03/01 - |
COCNMC – Omega-3 FA and Cardiovascular Disease |
2007/02/01 - |
COL – Omega-3 FA and Prevention of Arrhythmias |
2007/01/01 - |
CR - Cardiovascular Benefits Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids |
2007/01/01 - |
APsyS - Depressed Post-MI Patients Have Lower Omega-3 |
2007/01/01 - |
Circulation - Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases |
2006/12/13 - |
Herz – EPA and DHA Levels for Protection from Sudden Cardiac Death |
2006/12/12 - |
JACN - Omega-3 FA Significantly Lower Triglycerides in Patients with CAD |
2006/12/01 - |
Herz – Omega-3 FA Effective for Prevention of Myocardial Infarction |
2006/12/01 - |
JLR – DHA Associated With Reduced Coronary Atherosclerosis |
2006/10/22 - |
Nutrition - Oily Fish Reduces Plasma Triacylglycerols |
2006/10/15 - |
AJPM - Cardiovascular Benefits by Raising Omega-3 FA Levels |
2006/08/21 - |
AJC - Omega Ratios And Risk For Coronary Artery Disease |
2006/08/01 - |
JADA - Measuring Omega-3 FA Intakes In Cardiac Patients
2006/08/01 - |
UroN -Omega-3s Reduce High Levels of Cholesterol |
2006/07/07 - |
JHLT - Fish oils’ Anti-Inflammatory Effects and Weight Loss in Severe Heart Failure |
2006/07/01 - |
AJCN – Fish oil supplements benefit CVD |
2006/06/01 - |
EurJAP - Fish Oil Supports Healthy Brachial Blood Flow During Exercise |
2006/06/01 - |
CFP - Omega-3 FAs Beneficial Role In Cardiovascular Health |
2006/06/01 - |
AJCN - Omega-3 FA Recommendations and Benefits |
2006/04/24 - |
ManC – Omega-3s Cost-Effective Option For Cardiac Prevention |
2006/04/15 - |
AJC – Heart Health Benefits Observed With Omega-3 FAs |
2006/04/04 - |
BMJ – Omega-3 Risks and Benefits for Mortality, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer |
2006/03/01 - |
COCNMC – EPA and DHA on Cardiovascular Risk Factors |
2006/01/17 - |
Circulation – Fish/Omega-3 FA Intake and CHD Risk |
2006/01/01 - |
VHRM - Both EPA & DHA Recommended For Cardiovascular Prevention |
2006/01/01 - |
JCN – Omega-3 FA in Cardiovascular Health and Disease |
2006/01/01 - |
PBMB – Cardio- And Cancero-Protective Effects Use Common Pathways |
2006/01/01 - |
UJMS – Omega-3 FAs Predictor of Risk for Sudden Cardiac Death |
2005/12/01 - |
NeuroP - Omega-3 FAs On Heart Rate Variability in Anxiety Disorders |
2005/11/22 - |
Circ – ALA and Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death and Coronary Heart Disease |
2005/11/01 - |
Circ - Fish Oil and Prevention of Fatal Ventricular Arrhythmias |
2005/09/19 - |
Circ - Reduction In Heart Rate With Fish Oils |
2005/09/15 - |
TherU - Omega-3 FA Attributed to Inhibitory Effects on Platelet Aggregation |
2005/08/15 - |
EJHF - Omega-3 FA Reduce Total Mortality And Sudden Death In Syd Patients |
2005/08/01 - |
Athero - Triglyceride Fatty Acids And Atherosclerosis |
2005/06/01 - |
JACN - Lipid Responses To A Dietary DHA Supplement |
2005/06/01 - |
COACI – Omega-3 FA May Prevent Allergic And Other Immune-Mediated Diseases |
2005/05/17 - |
JACC - Omega-3 FAs For The Prevention of PostOp Atrial Fibrillation |
2005/05/15 - |
BJNurs - Omega-3 FA shown to reduce the risk of cardiac events |
2005/04/11 - |
ArIM – Effect Of Different Antilipidemic Agents And Diets On Mortality |
2005/04/01 - |
Chest - Fish Oil Shown To Help Heart Rate Variability Among Seniors |
2005/04/01 - |
AJE - Dietary Fat Intake And Risk Of Coronary Heart Disease In Women |
2005/01/24 - |
ArIM – Fish Consumption and Stroke Risk in the Eldely |
2005/01/01 - |
ATVB - Mercury Attenuates The Benefits Of Fish Oils, Best Avoided |
2004/12/01 - |
IJCPT - DHA Restores Endothelial Function In Children With Hyperlipidemia |
2004/10/01 - |
PLEFA - Statins Alter EFAs In Hypercholesterolemic Patients |
2004/09/01 - |
PLEFA - Fish oils shown to have antiarrhythmic activity in folks with cardiac arrhythmias |
2004/08/01 - |
MCB – Omega-3 FA from Fish Oils and Cardiovascular Disease |
2004/07/01 - |
JNut -Omega-3 Fats Associated With Lower Levels Of Inflammatory Markers |
2004/07/01 - |
AFP - Omega-3 Fatty Acids Benefit CHD |
2004/07/01 - |
PreM – The Omega-3 Index And Heart Disease |
2004/07/01 - |
Stroke – Fish Consumption and Incidence of Stroke |
2004/07/01 - |
ClinS – Omega-3 FAs and Cardiovascular Disease |
2004/06/01 - |
JNB – Omega-3 Diet Reduces Hypertension. |
2004/05/01 - |
AJCN – DHA Benefits for Postmenopausal Women |
2004/05/01 - |
AJPGLP – Phospholipid Supplementation Effective |
2004/04/01 - |
AJCN - LDL Cholesterol-Raising Effect Of Low-Dose DHA |
2004/03/01 - |
AHRQ - Fish And Fish Oil Consumption Reduce All-Cause Mortality And Various CVD Outcomes |
2004/01/01 - |
JMF – Omega-3 FA in Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer |
2004/01/01 - |
NEJM – Omega-6 and Atherosclerosis |
2003/10/01 - |
CarR – Omega-3 FAs on Endothelial Function and Vascular Tone |
2003/09/01 - |
JNB – Fish Oil Decreases Risk For Cardiovascular Disease |
2003/07/01 - |
QJM - Omega-3 FA For Myocardial Infarction Secondary Prevention |
2003/06/06 - |
PharmT - Prevention of sudden cardiac death by Omega-3 PUFA |
2003/06/03 - |
Circ - Omega-3 PUFA For Prevention Of Sudden Cardiac Death |
2003/04/15 - |
Circ - Fish and Omega-3 FA Reduce Risk of Heart Disease in Diabetic Women |
2003/04/02 - |
Lipids - Fish Consumption And Blood Lipids In Three Ethinic Groups |
2003/02/08 - |
Lancet - Fish Oil, Omega-3 Fatty Acids help Cardiovascular Disease |
2003/02/01 - |
COL - Cardiovascular Disease And Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids |
2003/02/01 - |
AJCN – Omega-3 FA and The Cardiovascular Health Study |
2003/01/01 - |
AJCN - Fish Oil With GLA Reduced Heart Attack Risk In Women |
2003/01/01 - |
DiaC – DHA, not EPA, Increases LDL Size in Diabetic Patients |
2002/11/28 - |
NEJM - Mercury and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Men |
2002/11/28 - |
NEJM - Mercury, Fish Oils, And The Risk Of Myocardial Infarction |
2002/11/27 - |
JAMA - Optimal Diets For Prevention Of Coronary Heart Disease |
2002/11/19 - |
Circ - AHA Scientific Statement On Fish, Omega-3s And Heart Health
2002/10/10 - |
Lipids - EPA, but Not DHA, Decreases Mean Platelet Volume |
2002/08/08 - |
JHyp – Lower Blood Pressure with Fish Oil Supplementation |
2002/07/29 - |
AJCN - Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve Arterial Elasticity |
2002/06/03 - |
MJA - The Role Of Fats In The Lifecycle Stages |
2002/04/11 - |
NEJM - Blood Levels of LC Omega-3 FA and Risk of Sudden Death |
2002/04/08 - |
Circ - Significant Benefits of 1 Gram Omega-3 For Heart Health |
2002/04/04 - |
Circulation - On the Reanalysis of the GISSI-Prevenzione |
2002/03/01 - |
AJM – Omega-3 FAs in Coronary Hear Disease |
2002/02/01 - |
TR – Omega-3 FAs Show No Additive Effects |
2001/10/10 - |
AJCN – Omega-3 FA from Fish and Fish Oil: Panacea or Nostrum? |
2001/10/01 - |
AJCN – Omega-3 FA and Low Mortality Rate From Heart Disease in Inuit Population |
2001/05/01 - |
Heart - Fish Oil And Statin Meds In CHD |
2001/05/01 - |
Heart - Omega-3 FAs Decreased Triglycerides in CHD and Hypertriglyceridaemia |
2001/04/04 - |
BJN - Protective Effect of Fish Consumption Against CHD |
2001/01/01 - |
Lipids - Efficacy of Omega-3 FA after Myocardial Infarction:(GISSI) |
2000/11/11 - |
JACC – Mediterranean Diet Postprandial Effects on Endothelial Function
2000/06/01 - |
MCP - Omega-3 FAs In The Prevention Of Coronary Heart Disease
2000/05/05 - |
AJCN – EPA and DHA with Differential Effect on Serum Lipids, LDL, etc. |
2000/02/02 - |
JACC – Marine Omega-3 Improve Endothelial Function in Hypercholesterolemia |
2000/01/01 - |
AJCN – Omega-3 FAs And Prevention Of Coronary Atherosclerosis |
2000/01/01 - |
AJCN - Importance Of N-3 Fatty Acids In Health And Disease |
2000/01/01 - |
AJCN - Dietary Intake Of Omega LCPUFAs And Risk of Primary Cardiac Arrest |
2000/01/01 - |
AJCN - Prevention of fatal cardiac arrhythmias by PUFA |
2000/01/01 - |
AJCN - Fatty Acid Modulation of Endothelial Activation |
2000/01/01 - |
AJCN - Fish Oil and Cardiovascular Disease: Lipids and Arterial Function |
1999/11/01 - |
JMB - Antiarrhythmic And Anticonvulsant Effects Of Omega-3 FAs |
1999/10/01 - |
ATVB - Antimitogenic Effect of EPA and DHA |
1999/09/01 - |
Lipids – EPA and DHA Attenuate Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation |
1999/08/07 - |
Lancet – Benefits of Omega-3’s and Myocardial Infarction/ GISSI Trial |
1999/07/01 - |
HD - Cardiovascular Effects Of Fish Oils And Omega-3 FA |
1999/04/06 - |
AnIM - Fish Oils and Atherosclerosis |
1999/02/16 - |
Circ - Mediterranean Diet And The Rate Of Cardiovascular Complications |
1999/02/15 - |
Circ - Dietary Prevention Of Coronary Heart Disease |
1999/01/01 - |
Lipids - Omega-3 FA and Prevention of Cardiac Arrhythmias |
1998/12/17 - |
CN – GLA and EPA in Peripheral Arterial Disease |
1998/07/07 - |
AJCN - DHA and EPA Influence Heart Rate and Affect Cardiac Mechanics |
1998/01/07 - |
JAMA - Fish Consumption And Risk Of Sudden Cardiac Death |
1997/10/30 - |
JNB – DHA Reduces the Thromboxane/Prostacyclin Synthetic Ratio |
1997/10/10 - |
ANYAS - Dietary fats and hypertension |
1997/10/10 - |
JCR - Safety and Efficacy of Omacor in Severe Hypertriglyceridemia |
1997/10/10 - |
AJCN – Do Fish Oils Benefit Coronary Artery Disease Prevention/Treatment? |
1997/07/01 - |
AJCN - Do Omega-3 FAs from fish prevent deaths from CVD? |
1997/05/01 - |
AJCN - Individual FA Elicit Distinctly Different Physiologic Effects-Workshop |
1997/03/01 - |
CJPP – Omega-3 FAs Beneficial in Preventing CVD |
1996/11/11 - |
EJCN – Triglyceride Concentrations Decreased With Fish Oil, Especially DHA |
1996/01/01 - |
JACC - Mediterranean Diet / Omega-3 and Cardioprotection/ Lyon Heart Trial |
1995/11/11 - |
JAMA – Omega-3 LCPUFA Associated With Reduced Risk Of Primary Cardiac Arrest |
1995/09/01 - |
AJE - Fatty Acids And The Risk Of Coronary Heart Disease |
1995/06/01 - |
AJCN - Cretan Mediterranean Diet for prevention of CHD/ Lyon Heart Trial |
1995/04/15 - |
IJE - Protective Effect Of Fish In Relation To CHD |
1994/07/07 - |
SJCLI – Omega -3 FA on Serum Lipids and Glycaemic Control |
1994/06/01 - |
Lancet - Mediterranean Omega-Rich diet and CHD Prevention / Lyon Heart Trial |
1993/06/06 - |
AIM - Does Supplementation of Diet with 'Fish Oil' Reduce Blood Pressure? |
1993/02/15 - |
EJCN - Effects of Cod Liver Oil on Lipids and Platelets in Males and Females |
1991/07/15 - |
ArtT – EPA/DHA Incorporation into Atherosclerotic Plaques |
1990/10/10 - |
AJH – Omega-3 FAs Benefit Hypertension |
1989/01/01 - |
Lancet - Effects of EFA, Fish, and Fiber Intakes on Death/ DART Trial |
1988/11/11 - |
JLR – Omega-3 for Reduction of Postprandial Triglyceridemia |
1988/07/07 - |
Science - Fish Oils Inhibit Endothelial Cell Production |
1987/01/01 - |
YJBM - Dietary Effects of Fish Oils on Human Health |
1980/01/01 - |
AJCN – Composition of Eskimo Food in North-Western Greenland |
1979/09/01 - |
Lancet – Inuit EPA Levels Attributed to Rarity of Heart Attack Deaths |
1976/01/01 - |
AMS - The Composition of Food Consumed by Greenland Eskimos |
1972/07/01 - |
EMS – High Content of Omega-3 FAs in Inuit of Greenland |
-0001/11/30 - |
IHMS - Omega-3 FA on CVD: Effects, Mechanisms and Dietary Relevance |